
New member
In case you missed it, we are now under the jurisdiction of FEMA. July 4th, "everybody's hero" declared a state of National Emergency and invoked FEMA

Technically FEMA hasn't been invoked,,,,yet,,the pieces parts are in place for it though. This is the preliminary. My guess is that the real $hit will go down on Dec 7th, 5 days after FEMA tests it's Y2K plans. "Everybody's hero" has a soft spot for historicaly significant dates or so it seems.

[This message has been edited by Hal (edited July 07, 1999).]
No export of technology to any person or persons posing a threat to our National Security.

Um, like China, fer instance?

Oh, that's right! That technology was stolen fair and square ( with a little help from our friends Willie, Janet, etc...)

To Whom It May Concern:

I do not have, and have never had, any relationship, direct or indirect, with Mr. bin Laden, or any of his cohorts.

You have been warned.

I would have to respectfully disagree with your analysis of the situation, Hal. This would seem to me to be the first steps towards bombing, and sending in the Spec Ops boys to get the people mentioned in the briefing.

Regardless, the president certainly doesn't need to declare a state of emergancy or martial law in order to use troops in the United States.


If the 2nd is antiquated, what will happen to the rest.
"the right to keep and bear arms."
Why did he wait a year if it only concerns bin Ladin's terrorist activities in 98..?

Why declare a "State of National Emergency" when the typical response during a wartime crises has merely been the imposing of economic sanctions and restrictions..?

If this does in fact pose a real threat to the US, why not bomb them. If Afganistan wants to continue to give terrorists a safe haven, bomb them too. We seem to have no problem taking out everybody else... even those that pose no threat to us in any way, shape, or form!


Sorry, but this one screams out "HIDDEN AGENDA"!
Ummm. Just for the record:

I am not now, nor have I ever been, associated in any way or manner with the Taliban or any person, persons, or organizations which, to the best of my knowledge and belief, were in any manner or means associated with the beliefs of, the support of and/or other involvement with the Taliban by that name or by any other name known to me.


[This message has been edited by Dennis (edited July 07, 1999).]
anti, It's because your President and her husband have cut our military to the bone and then pi**ed away most all of our bombs and missiles in the supposed support of people who hate us anyway!
Regards, Hank
Keith: On the surface I would agree with your point of view of the latest "royal decree". However, look back a week for the thread about the latest (now just one of many) executive order that I posted. All power and authority was handed over to the State Department and the Department of Justice, as well as any other agency his "highness" deems fit. In the last 30 days the diplomatic corps has been completely overhauled. Last week alone I counted 17 (I think) new appointees. Several key military positions have been filled by "the imortals". July 1st the independent consoule(sp) law expired. The supreme court is out of session, I believe for the year. Something is going on. Something rotten. Check the whitehouse.gov site, and look through the archives. It'll scare you $hitless to realize that not only has the table been set, the dinner bell been rung, and the guests are all seated. If they can keep that lackey(can't remember his name) from being appointed console to the UN,that leaves the only guest spot open at the table. Say didn't the former Soviet Union have a tussel over in that part of the world? Her waddleness Madaline Albright's (sp) father wrote a book about the importance of that part of the world. Something along the lines of how Iceland was a pistol aimed at the head of Great Brittan, so goes the near east in todday's world. Also bear in mind this is a letter to the Congress, not an executive order. Congress has 30 days to kill an EO. They can't lift a finger to stop this.

Guys, Alex Jones website,info wars .com, is a excellent source for what the NWO has in mind for sheeple people. Between all these urban warfare operations by Delta Force, Fema underground facilities all over the place, the 190 exec. orders Congress has let Big Comrade pass,the movement of most US ground forces overseas, military weapons and equipment given to local police departments, the many foreign troops on Us soil, detention centers built across the country, and police roadblocks commom around the nation, SOMETHING is in the wind. Only the sheeple dont see it because they are too Drunk . I heard a taped interview with a Fema person last year.He did not know it weas a patriot taping him. The guy flat out said that Fema will be the government when emergency takes place. How it will take place is the question. There are many different scenarios and I think I have heard them all the last year. Just remember this . With the technology the government has today, they can create events that dont really exist(virtual reality). They could show horrible things happening,blame militias or whoever,and declare a state of emergency . I dont put anything beyond the power of this "Beast System" we have running our lives right now.
Dennis and boing

If you've visited any Afghan web sites, you may have a problem. This is an excerpt from the letter to the Congress:
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>-- prohibits the exportation, re-exportation, sale, or supply,
directly or indirectly, from the United States, or by a United
States person, wherever located, of any goods, software, technology
(including technical data), or services to the territory of
Afghanistan under the control of the Taliban or to the Taliban; and

Hyper text, http:// could easily be considered technical data.

[This message has been edited by Hal (edited July 08, 1999).]
Thanks! Boy, was I ever worried!!

Let's see now...how do I delete all those book-marked Afghan sites. Ok, here's the one on AK-47 repairs. (deleted) Aha, milking camels for fun and profit.(deleted)
How to fight from underground foxholes - no, wait, that's from the U.S. Marine Sniper School. That's okay!..... Ummm
Hmmm... looking at this in this light...

I am not worried. FEMA theoretically has the power as described but I don't subscribe to this threat as a problem to worry about.

Every man Dies.
Not Every Man Truely Lives...


Dennis: I guess I should use more of those winkey things ;). Do I believe that his highness is going to send troops door to door to check PC's for cookies? No. Do I believe that this is the start of martial law. No. Do I believe this is something that is not in the best interests of everyone in the country? Hell yes! This is just another in a long line of "Doing as he damn well pleases, just because he can" type of things. I merely post it to point out that he is being very active in his "remaining 18 months". Information is ammunition. The vast majority of bill's supporters view him as a good guy that gave in to a moment of temptation. No amount of discussion about the real crimes he committed is going to change their mind. However, if you point out to them that bill has effectively taken controll of their lives, it may give them cause to ponder and doubt his good guy, Big Mac, jogging with the press, visiting Indian reservation image. Didn't mean to single you out, my reply was semi toungue in cheek, just to point that out.

Now this I can agree with. He has been doing to much, for to long, with no accountability. He's definetly had his hand in the cookie jar to often, but like any kid, since he wasn't really punished the first time, he just kept on doing it.

Something definetely stinks in DC, and it ain't just Clinton.


If the 2nd is antiquated, what will happen to the rest.
"the right to keep and bear arms."
I guess I (bold!) am the one who's a winkey short! (No comments, Art!)

I took it right and replied in kind. Wasn't trying to be insulting. OK? ;)

(Funny how your own post can look different to you the following day... sigh.)
Using the link, all I got was about "a patient's bill of rights", guess I was late to the party, but I'd like to point out that the President certainly DOES need to declare a state of emergency or disaster before employing troops on American soil, that is expressly prohibited by law. More to the point, the military KNOWS it is, and will not obey the order, just like the feds at Waco were denied the Army troops trained in the use of those tanks, and for the same reason-it's illegal and that general is not gonna do it.
Larry P, my information is that US soldiers were used at Waco in the final assault and shot down Branch Davidians trying to escape. I guess it doesnt matter because the American people saw mass murder live on their bub box and then promptly went back to sleep. Lets see if they stay asleep or wake up a bit as y2k martial law bits them a bit.
How interesting.

I just tried to search the EO library for "osama bin laden" between 1 July and 5 July. No hits.

Could we all have been imagining it? Yeah, that must be what happened.

EDIT: tried searching for "terrorism" between 1 Jan 1993 and today, and got 1 hit about Sudan.

Something's seriously smelly here, guys.
You can't get something for nothing,
You can't have freedom for free.
--Neil Peart

[This message has been edited by Coinneach (edited July 15, 1999).]