Felon with Machine-Gun gets Skimpy Sentance

B. Lahey

New member
Anyone else see this?


He pleaded guilty to possession of unregistered machine guns and silencers, unlawful possession of machine guns and possession of firearms by a convicted felon.

In the year that he is awaiting sentencing, T.I., whose real name is Clifford Harris, must complete at least 1,000 hours of a total 1,500 hours of community service, talking to youth groups about the pitfalls of guns, gangs and drugs.

He will be sentenced to serve about 12 months in prison after completing the community service, officials said. His prison time could be increased or reduced, depending on his fulfillment of the terms of the deal and good behavior, they said.

A felon gets busted with MGs and silencers and he gets community service and one year in jail (max, probably less). This seem a little light to anyone else?

I'm usually the last person to call for tougher sentances, but this is just silly. How much time would Joe Average Criminal do if busted for the same crimes? Ten years? More?

What are the sentancing guidelines for NFA violations?

I didn't even know a judge could go that light with all the "mandatory minimum" nonsense floating around...
Yep, the feds took it easy on the rapper. If Joe Citizen got caught with that stuff he would be in federal prison for at least ten years.
About the only way I can think of for him to have got such a deal is to have ratted out a bunch of his 'friends'.
Well well....

So glad to see that we have the best justice system in the world. :barf::barf::barf:

About the only way I can think of for him to have got such a deal is to have ratted out a bunch of his 'friends'.

That's certainly possible.

Anyone know what kind of deal his "bodyguard" got? I think I remember he was the one who set up the deal. I have a feeling Mr. Harris may have been cut a break to roll over on that guy...