Feinstein says 60,000 e-mails against Ashcroft


New member
Well, I'm sending one saying I'm for the new Attorney General.


I hope you do too.
I read something yesterday. Apparently, Ashcroft supporters have gathered at least 170,000 signitures.

Better than twice as many as Frau Frankenstien.....
Aside form the fact that Bovinestein's familiarity with the concept of "the truth" is only passing at best.

More bluntly, I think she's a lying s'o's and don't believe a word she says.
Fiendstein says lots of things...little, if any, has ever been truth, honorable or have a modicum of integrity
You guys are right. I wonder how many e-mails she got asking her to support the Ashcroft nomination? Probably more than 60,000. She got mine.