Feinstein on 60 Minutes


New member
I saw a repeat of the 60 Minutes article about the "assault weapons ban" of '94. Basically it was about how cosmetic features were outlawed so the gun makers came out with guns without those features. Sounds like they were following the law to me. Feinstein and others were complaining about how there was a "loophole" (gotta love that new pop-word) that the gun makers were exploiting.

The Colt spokesman said:
"We started with a crime bill that was supposed to target criminals and we ended up with an "assault rifles" ban which banned cosmetic features on guns for no reason, having nothing to due with how the guns function".
Then the reporter said "The charges are that you are just taking advantages of a loophole in the law"
His reply was:
"Well, that's just flat out not ture. They passed a cosmetic law, and now they are saying 'oh, woe is me', they are changing the cosmetics'...I don't understand the logic."

The Tec-9 was targeted of course, and a gun owner said "That gun is not known for it's quality, but now that it is banned, everyone wants to see it and buy one".

It was also about hi-cap mags and how they are still easy to find (although they failed to mention how EXPENSIVE these mags are and they also didn't mention how expensive the banned guns are today). They just harped on how they are easy to get at gun shows (of course, gotta throw in the gun show hype) and that even though these weapons are banned they are still around.

Feinstein did say, (and I have it on tape), "If I could have gotten 51 votes in the US Senate for an outright ban, picking up every one of them....'Mr. and Mrs. America, turn them all in'...I would have done it. I could not do that, the votes weren't there."

It was said time and time again that the assault weapons ban greatly increased the sales of assault weapons, making '94 the best year for assault weapons sales EVER. Gun makers said that the Clinton era did more for gun sales than any advertising campaign could. One gun dealer said "That act (of '94) did more to put guns and 'alias assault weapons' out on the streets, in the hands of citizens (than anything the gun industry could have ever done to spur sales)". Banning weapons only makes Americans want them more....what does that show about how people feel about the ban?

The report basically said many times that the "assault weapons ban did NO good, only increased sales of the weapons, made them more desirable to people that had never heard of them, and they are still easy to get."
Feinstien said "Every time we ban a gun, we see the same gun come out with a new name, so that is why I wrote in the 'physical features' clause which outlaws guns with two or more features of an 'assault weapon'". The reporter then said "the new ban backfired again..." and went on te explain how the bans have done nothing (except to raise prices, which they fail to mention.

My only question then is: then why not repeal the ban!?! If it did no good, and actually made more people buy the weapons, (even Feinstein agreed that the ban turned out to make things much worse), then I guess we should repeal the ban.

They also knocked on the fact that gun makers are swapping new guns to Police agencies for used guns so that they can sell the hi-cap magazines. Gun grabbers are crying foul that the gun makers are not following the intent of the law, even though what they are doing is legal.

The fact is, Americans do not sit well with laws telling them what they can or can't do, and what they can or cannot own. The best way to get Americans to buy something is to ban it. Rebellion against government control is in our blood; that is how our country was founded.

When asked how she felt about the way gun makers kept "getting around the law" (or FOLLOWING the law, depening on how you look at it), particulary in regard to hi-cap mags, (which she hates), Feinstein replied: "This just tells me that there is a craven group of people out there who want to make money and are willing to import this stuff by whatever means to make money off the public".

Okay, so what about all the people that are willing to pay ungodly prices for these magazines? No one is feeding off the public, the public wants these magazines enough to pay ten times what they are worth. What does that tell us about what the people really want?

Feinstein actually came across as a nice lady, and really uninformed. I expected a b!tch on wheels who was up on all the issues, but the reporter was constantly filling her in on things that she seemed to be unfamiliar with.
For instance the reporter had to show her a Colt catalog and explain to Feinstein (pointing at the pictures) that they took the flash supressor off the end of the rifles so that they could sell them legally.
Feinstein looked at the catalog dumbfounded and all she could muster for a comment was: "Uuuuuh.....well....that's true..."

Then the reporter told Feinstein that the Tec-9 was being brought back as the AB-9 and asked Feinstein is she knew what AB stands for. Feinstein replied "Uh, no". The reporter informed her that is stood for "After Ban", and Feinstein replied, "Well, uuuuuhh, I will look a good look at that".
I expected a worthy opponent of Feinstein, but overall Feinstein looked kinda dumb. Unfortunatly, she is in office, so it doesn't matter that she is uninformed and stupid, she still holds the power.

Feinstein admitted that "With this congress, no more gun control will be passed", and then the reporter replies "so then, no more going forward..."

Forward? Who said that more gun control is a move in the forward direction?


[This message has been edited by thaddeus (edited August 02, 1999).]

I watched that too and agree with most everything you said.....

Except...Feinstein is not dumb, she is one of the shrewdest and cunning pols ever. Don't make that mistake...her "dumb act" was that...an act. Makes her look kindly and sympathetic and non-threatening. She has been working on her image, since being mayor of SF she has been cast as abrupt, arrogant and elitist...this is all PR.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
I remember Ms. Stahl referring several times that the intent of the bans are to "keep these high power weapons 'off the street'.I walk often and have yet to stub my toe on a M17 with high caps.
all buzz word's
now we hear about child abuse from of all people hillary about bill
boo hoo.....
i cant type any more imgagginnnnnnn
You are right, Di Fi is no dummy and she is playing games all of the time. I am from California and I will be working my tail off this next election time to throw her and her kind OUT!!!!
All of what she stands for is pure crap. It is politics and $$$ all the way. I do not believe anything she says or does as there are many hidden agenda's with everything she does.

To own firearms is to affirm that freedom and liberty are not gifts from the state.
Ask Senator Feinstein if she has dual citizenship. My understanding is that the good Senator is a citizen of both the United States and of Isreal. Her office in Washington will not answer this charge. Is it not illegal for a US Senator to be a citizen of another country? If it is illegal,then she can be thrown out. Or has the law been changed? That wouldnt surprise me at all. Its one big one world,right?
A good friend of mine is Jewish, (no really), His father left israel when he was two and has never been back, well my friend his son, went to israel to visit relatives and the way its been explained to me is that he was automatically issued an isralei passport and could have been drated into their army.....their system seems a little screwy, but Im with ya lets throw the ole broad out if possible with any technicality...fubsy.
Yes, I am sure it is illegal for a Us Senator to be a citizen of a foreign country. This would be a perfect charge against Feinstein and if I was in Kalifornia , I would surely use it against her. I am eager to hear from people on this forum a`bout this mode of attack against this very anti gun and very pro Clintonista. Lets hear it from the progun people in Kalifornia who would like to see this person deposed form her exalted office of US Senator.
Never heard this before...I'll look into it. I may owe Ivan a big thanks :)

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
I would guess that many if not most Israelis would rather she kept her US citizenship if this is real. Speaking of Feinstein mysteries, (and I mean no offense to anyone, including the Senator) what is the deal with her left eye?
I checked with my friend today and he says that there are a couple of country's of which israel is one that the U. S. recognizes as dual citizen ship, but it dosent sound right to me....therefore its most likely right....Even if our government recognize's the dual citizenship, it could be that under our laws she cannot hold office.....wouldnt that be a day to celebrate....
I went to see my friend and pick up my 7shot 686 at the same time and of course the instant check isnt instant, its pending.......what crap......fubsy.