FEG Pistol

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I purchased recently an FEG Mark II APK.
As far as I can tell, it's an exact copy of a Walther PPK/S (FEG is Hungarian) does anyone know anything about these guns? If so do they take walther parts? Magazines? anything? :)
It was a good deal (sub 200 at a dealer going out of business, NIB unfired piece)
And I'm just wondering about it.
Thanks in advance

The FEG gun is not an exact copy. The outward appearance is very similar, but the internals are different and were developed "independently."


For to win one hundred victories in one hundred battles is not the acme of skill. To subdue the enemy without fighting is the supreme excellence. Sun Tzu
I have an FEG Pa-63 (AP9) in 380 acp. Steel slide/alloy frame Walther-looking gun. Its pretty accurate out to 10 yards and its been very reliable (can't remember it jamming in the field).. The double action trigger can be QUITE stiff and short of adding a little gunslick grease to the transfer bar.. there isn't much you can do to improve this. (OK you COULD do a trigger/action job buy WHY spend $100 on a $120 dollar pistol?)

ALSO BE FOREWARNED. When you remove the slide there is a tiny spring that holds the slide stop up when the magazine is empty. BE VERY CAREFUL NOT to lose this spring when you dissasemble the gun for cleaning. (if you lose it a walther spring MIGHT work.. they look pretty similar). However I spent 2 hours looking for one i dropped on a carpet....

OK that stated... the gun is highly functional and a decent carry gun in my opinion. the 380 is a decent defense cartridge, the gun is lightwieght and that gritty DA trigger is a additional insurance against accidentaly discharging the weapon.

PRACTICE with it. the difference between the da/sa trigger is substantial and requires training. (Fire a DA shot then a SA shot, de-cock and do it over again and again) Mine likes hydra shocks, but sometimes the slide works a little slow feeding them (I bet polishing the ramp wouold fix that). FMJ works flawlessly. Lead bullets seem to kick harder than jacketed and are limited in use for a 380.. don't bother with them. Ultramax made a very destructive 88 grain hollowpoint that worked very well for me.

I painted the front sight bright orange and when shooting this little pistol I don't really use the rear sight, I sort of point it like a shotgun holding the front sight under the bullseye. Typically it prints tennis ball sized 5 shot groups at 7 yards.. which i feel is pretty good for a point and shoot pocket gun like the pa-63. (and the way i shoot it) Spare 7 shot magazines are available from Tom Forrest Inc.

On the bad side.. the gun kicks hard for a 380 and does not have an extrenal slide stop. the magazine does not drop free when you push the mag release and the lip on the magazine that activates the slide stop looks a little cheap to me. However it works flawlessly. When it locks open, push the button pull out the mag and add the new one and pull back on the slide to load a new round. You WILL also notice wear on the frame right away.. the alloy is pretty soft. This is NOT a 10,000 round pistol.

All in all though... I've taken mine backpacking and as my belt gun on antelope hunts and have even killed an antelope with it (its a long story). Its a very cost effective piece but I don't expect it to last a lifetime. IF it were all steel.. I would expect it to last that long.

Hope the info is helpful.


PS I also have an FEG highpower that I'm delighted with.
Dr. Rob--I've also got an FEG High-Power that I'm very pleased with, except for the fact that I can't get it disassembled. The FFL dealer I purchased it from also has one, and he recommended using a hammer and punch to remove the slide release. The fit is very tight and it can't be pushed out by hand. I'm wary about using a hammer and punch to disassemble the pistol, especially when you're supposed to be able to do it by hand. The pistol has less than 100 rounds through it--will it loosen up over time? Have you experienced this?
WHAT KIND of hammer and punch?? Remember nylon hammers and brass punches won't mar the finish of the gun.

You should probably shoot it some more to loosen it up.. or try a little singer 3 in 1 sewing machine oil to work the slide stop loose. And get a COMPETANT gunsmith to look at it if you have any doubts. IF YOU HAVE TO FORCE IT, something is probably wrong. All hi-power aftermarket accessories (slides stops, safties etc) are "drop-in" and should go on with a minimum of fitting/hassle.

Please don't be insulted.. but take your gun down to the local gunsmith and have him SHOW you how to take it apart.. its really not that complicated. Your FFL dealer is giving you bad advice.

Remove the magazine and clear the action. Draw back the slide and push up the safty into the second notch (the dissasembly notch). Wiggle the slide stop until it comes out (this should NOT require hammers and punches but the fit is tight) Draw the slide stop out hang onto the slide and release the safty, let the tension off the slide.. all should slide forward off the frame.

Hope it helps.

Thanks for the info--I'm going to the range this weekend, I'll run another 150 rds. or so through it, then see if it disassembles any easier. I was following the proper procedure for takedown, but that slide release pin was just too tight to remove. I'm thinking about adding Hogue grips to it, as well as removing the magazine safety. Not too crazy about the creepy trigger, and I've been told removing the mag safety would work wonders. Any advice on the grips/mag safety? Thanks in advance!

Sic semper tyrannis

I also have the MkII APK and flat out love the gun. I use it as my backup to my P226 that I carry on a tac rig when overseas and on pancake when in the US. When using the tac rig I keep the APK in a holster in the small of my back and when using a pancake it's strapped to my ankle. It's heavy but with the right holster you don't even notice it. I don't know that I agress with the short life span some people attribute to it. I've put over 7500+ rnds thru mine in the past 2 years alone and if I looked up my range logs from farther back (when I kept them on paper) it would probably total 12000 or 13000. I simply make sure to clean it all the time and use heavy grease on it. Oil won't cut it on a blowback. It's been dropped in the mud, kicked around and still come up firing. Guess I just got lucky with it. Even though the internals are different from the Walthers you *CAN* use their barrels (ie Federal, etc) and some aftermarket mags work fine if they have the double cut for the release.

Granted the finish on mine is shot from all the wear and tear over the 4 years i've owned it, but it still keeps coming and the frame and slide are still as tight as the day I bought it.

Anyway, thats my two cents worth.
I have confirmed they are a different action (almost) completely, but the thing that really tripped me up, was the fact that the FEG guys simply copied the Walther Manual :)
I have the original manual (Obviously, NIB) for it and I dug up a copy of the Walther PPK/S manual. Identical :) same pics too :) just different markings on the gun :)
They ommitted Sec. 2 about the "round in chamber" device, because the APK doesn't have it.
The basic (Even field stripped) appearance of the APK is virtually same in everyway.
Thanks for all the help guys :) Anything else good y'all have to say, lemme know :) I love feeling good about this stuff :)
Make sure you feed your FEG full power ammo. The recoil spring is quite stiff when new and takes some breaking in.

So many pistols, so little money.
My neighbor bought one of these when we went to a gunshow earlier this year for about $120 or so. He bought it for his wife, but she had problems racking the slide. He kept it for himself and gave her the S&W Airweight. We put that little puppy through its paces at the range, shooting over 200 rounds of Starfire, FMJ, and lead. A great little pistol I have to say. The first couple of mags full of ammo we had a few ftfs, but after that, none at all. It was shooting right up there with my stainless Mustang. Fit and finish were quite good and I was really surprised how good the little sucker was. All in all, one heck of a great value.
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