Feeling the age coming on !!

Old Stony

New member
Sometimes a guy hunting by himself is a little over his head when you factor in the age part of it. I nailed this guy last night and even with my homemade outfit I made from a boat winch, it can be a little trying. I can get one half up near the taillight, but still have to lift the rear of the hog and get it out and around the tailgate to get it loaded. I've had some large enough I had to remove the tailgate to get them up in the truck.
Actually....the green part of the pic is from a light I had attached to my hat..and he would have probably been some really stinky ham !
A hand-crank boat winch on a pivoting stand which mounts into your receiver hitch will solve the too-heavy problem. A buddy of mine built one to load and unload heavy camp gear.
I might have to consider building something that I could mount into my receiver hitch. I tried a made in China thing once that I mounted in a rear corner of the bed. It was a pain as it did nothing but rattle and bang all the time you were driving and didn't do much better than the setup I'm currently using. I have thought about just removing the tailgate as the old truck is not used for anything buy hunting related stuff, but I would sure miss the tailgate as a place near to waist high to dismember the carcasses. It has had quite a few hundred done on it thus far. I have used a hitch mounted lift once years ago for field processing antelope and it did work well.
I made a receiver mounted game hoist and figured elk would be the biggest game for me. I used square tube and made it in two pieces so I could maneuver it into place. Then it needed a snatch pully and a winch and cable. By the time I got done, it woulda been cheaper to just buy one at Cabelas. It works fine, but is pretty heavy, and the age thing is wearing me down too. Lifting the top part of the hoist is a dicey proposition already. So now I am cogitating on making a ramp to hook to the tail gate, then use the snatch pully and boat winch to pull the critters into the bed. And elk are no longer an option, as I have meandered too many miles without seeing a track or a scat. Deer and antelope are the only species nowwadays.

Just google "Cabelas game hoist"
For years, my favorite way to hunt deer was to sneak/still hunt on some very large parsles of public land not far from where I live. While these spots are hit heavily on opening weekend, after that pressure is minimal and then only at those spots easily accessible. Once I learned where the deer went when pressured and those spots other hunters tended to avoid(the area was a maze of big swamps and small oak ridges) I tended to have good success on nice bucks late in the season, especially on rainy/windy/snowy days. Things was, that success usually happened a long way from roads or other easy access points. This meant a half day drag thru swamps and heavy brush, many times not in a straight line/shortest distance scenario. Getting old meant that was not an option anymore. While I still get the boys to come with me on some of those excursions, they generally like to sit on our private land most of the season as the bucks are bigger and it's just a easier hunt. While I don't do it as often as I used to, and I generally pass on most everything I see, I still like to go thru the motions when the weather presents itself.