I have not been able to sleep well for the past 2 days, a guy came in to my store with a beautifully kept Winchester 1400 semi auto 16 guage wanting to sell. It was mint, great woods and the metal was in good condition. he initially wanted 200 for it but before he left he had gone all the way down to 70 bucks. Unfortunately here in the Bahamas you have to wait 6 months before applying for another firearms liscence and I had just got approved for a 5.56x45 rifle (which is considered very difficult to get). I knew I could not get the application, but it killed me to see him go to the armoury and turn it in for free. You guys in the States have it so good, I wish I lived there. I cant even do armourers courses because I am not an American. Does anyone know of a place to do armourers courses where you dont have to be American?