Feeling hesitant about fire lapping


New member
I have a 1980's built Remington 700 PSS that shoots like a house on fire (~1/4 moa with 168 SMK & AMAX hand loads) but the copper fouling is excessive and difficult to remove, even after about 25-30 rounds. Also, there is a slight constriction in the bore about 6" from the muzzle that is quite noticeable when cleaning with a jag. I went ahead and bought the Tubb's "Final Finish" kit to try and help cut down on the copper fouling and even out the bore, but I'm afraid I'll mess up the rifle's inherent accuracy.

Should I just go for it or is there another option? I also realize the different bullet brands have variations in the jacket composition, but they all shed copper equally bad in this rifle.
I've used it on 6 different rifles and never had anything but improved/more consistent groups.

Pay attention to the instructions to use the lightest charge of the fastest powder you can find listed.
And clean between the five grits.
If it shoots like you say, I would just leave it alone. Use some copper remover to get the bore clean, then fire and clean every 5 shots or so until the bore gets burnished. If it won't settle down, then go ahead and fire lap it.

If you fire lap it, it may settle right down or it may not. Yes, I know what David Tubbs says, but in reality it doesn't always work quite like that.
shoots like a house on fire (~1/4 moa with 168 SMK & AMAX hand loads)
Why take the chance of ruining that accuracy by lapping?

Give it a super good cleaning, and then treat it with Dyna Bore Coat
Wait until you can get something like 4198 (best) or 3031(OK).

You need to bump the bullet up fast to engage the bore/grooves, but keep the velocity slow for best lapping.
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I've fire lapped barrels with the Tubb's Final Finish kit,and it worked excellent on every caliber that we did it on. There are no problems with any of the rifles,and they all shoot excellent without having copper fouling problems anymore.

I wouldn't hesitate to use it on any barrel that is a copper mine.