Feeding problem with Win 94


New member
George or anyone else, Friend brought me his old style (no safety)Win 94. Gun is new in box. Will not feed. Round is coming out of magazine, but hangs up trying to go into chamber. Appears to be hanging at the rim, not on the nose/chamber. Wiggling the lever up & down a little sometimes lets it feed OK. Do I need to look at relieving a little on the guide slots for the rim? Suggestions?
Thanks, BBBBill
BBBBill, though you don't often see it there could be a burr at the rear of the carrier.To help determine the cause, try to see what is not happening. Does the carrier lift all the way into position? Is there possibly a screw in too far in the scope base holes binding the bolt? etc. You are probably on the right track with some judicious polishing but this could very well cure itself with a couple of boxes of rounds through it. George
OK,George! I've stripped the gun down. A little more info. Gun is angle eject, pre-safety. Took out the guts & looked for obvious problems. The 2 cartridge guides are not exact mirror images. Both are same length overall & same thickness at common points along the length. Left guide is straight on top & bottom at .248". Right side has a flat at the back .644" long & same height top to bottom as left guide(.248"), then a small radius down to .196"-.198" from there to the front(~1.553" long). This puts the front shoulder of the right rim slot ~.090 in front of the left rim slot & .062 higher than the left rim slot. There is a pretty substantial burr at the bottom corner of the right rim slot front shoulder. These pieces are obviously cast of tool steel with little to no grinding to final dimension. Did they screw up & put a right side guide in for another caliber?
Thanks, BBBBill
BBBBilllll, I'd polish all inside surfaces smooth. The ones that face each other like the guides. The carrier, etc. Then reassemble and try it. I doubt that they made a mistake like that but stranger things have happened. George