Feeding issue: rounds REAR-diving.


New member

I recently bought a 1891 Mauser in great condition and I'm having an annoying problem, when I feed the last cartridge in the magazine the rear of the round dives under the bolt and gets jammed halfway in the magazine and half in the chamber. I do have to pull back the bolt and push the cartridge into the chamber using my little finger. Caliber is 7.65 Argentine ( Rimless, single stack magazine)

It does this 9 out of 10 times, once in a while it works perfectly and I have no idea why. And it just happens on the last cartridge.

I know that cartridges NOSE-diving is a common feeding problem but has anyone ever had problems with cartridges REAR-diving in the magazine?

Things I have already tried to identify and fix the problem:

* Take the magazine apart and clean it thoroughly
* Check the seating depth of the mag (it touches the receiver perfectly)
* Load rounds with all sorts of different lengths and bullet shapes. Cartridge length and bullet shape have no effect on this problem whatsoever.
* Run the bolt hard and fast and slow and careful. The way I operate the action seems to have no effect on the malfunctions. It happens when I run the bolt at snail pace just as it happens when I slam the bolt like a Mosin's.

Any idea? I suspect its a weak magazine spring, but to be honest it feels fine, tension is really good, its a big fat leaf spring. Then again, its over 120 years old. :confused:
Is the follower positioned properly(ie: not bassackward)? If the follower is oriented correctly, is the magazine spring in the right position?
I've seen several Mausers/Springfields that had been assembled incorrectly causing numerous feeding issues.
I checked the magazine, since the bottom cover of the mag contains the spring which is a heavy duty leaf spring, its impossible to install it rearwards, same with the follower.

I think I have identified the problem, the bolt wobbles enough to miss the rim of the cartridge during feeding, the rim of th round slips off the bolt face and gets caught underneath the bolt. I still don't get it why this only happens on the last round though, it should happen with every round.
Don't like that much wobble.

When it's closed can you move it with your fingers? Up/down, side to side?
If so you may want to consult a smith. Ask the wisdom of fellow Mauser shooters here.

Just my opinion.
Well its not THAT dramatic, locked and cocked the base of bolt handle lifts about .07 inches or so. Its an old rifle and its bolt is a little rattly, my first two shots will surely involve a string, a heavy sandbag and moderate loads. ;)

Also I think the main cause of the problem is the magazine, I checked it again and in my opinion it releases the rounds way too late, the feed lips may bee too tight. Its a push feed action, when the round is released to late it enters the chamber in a steep angle, if its too steep the bottom of the cartridge will dive into the magazine slipping from th bolt face. I'll try to expand the magazine lips carefully.
"...only happens on the last round..." No upward pressure from the following round.
Dunno if this will help, but it can't hurt. I'm thinking one or more of the follower parts are worn or broken. It's the same rifle as an 1889 Mauser when it comes to hunting for parts. Gunparts wants $12.65 for a Follower Arm w/ Spring.