Feds extend wiretap reach


Staff Emeritus
Feds extend wiretap reach

FCC decision denounced by privacy groups

by Kalpana Srinivasan, Associated Press
(San Antonio Express-News, 8/28/99, p 16A)
((bold for stress added by Dennis))

Washington - The government announced rules Friday that will give the FBI and other law
enforcement agencies new electronic surveillance capabilities, letting them keep up with
such technology as cell phones and conference calls.

The Federal Communications Commission’s order, implementing a 1994 law, will let
authorities get a cell phone user’s location at a call’s beginning and end -- as long as a
court approves.

Privacy groups objected strongly to the decision, saying it turns cell phones into
tracking devices.

Besides the location rule -- which the industry had proposed -- the FCC also imposed new
standards law enforcement authorities had sought.

For example, the FBI now can listen in on the cell and ordinary phone conversations of all
parties to a conference call, even if some are put on hold and are no longer talking to the
target of the legal wiretap.

“Our actions today will help ensure that law enforcement has the most up-to-date
technology to fight crime,” FCC Chairman Bill Kennard said.

The rules help implement a 1994 law that requires companies to make digital wiretapping
technology available to law enforcement.

The commission stepped in after the Justice Department, FBI and the telecommunications
industry failed to agre on a plan after years of negotiations. The Justice Department and
FBI got much of what it sought.

Under the order, the companies have until March to set equipment standards that integrate
the added requirements, and until Sept. 30, 2001 to implement them.

The Justice Department said the FCC’s order addressed its major concerns and would
aid officers in fighting terrorism, organized crime and illegal drug activity.

“The continuing technological changes in the nation’s telecommunications systems present
increasing challenges to law enforcement,” Attorney General Janet Reno said in a
statement. “This ruling will enable law enforcement to keep pace with these changes and
ensure we will be able to maintain our capability to conduct court-authorized electronic

Privacy groups said these requirements overstep the 1994 law and are an attempt by the
government to broaden its wiretapping powers.

“We are deeply disappointed that on all the issues that mattered, the commission ruled
against privacy and in favor of expanded FBI surveillance,
” said Jim Dempsey, counsel
at the Washington-based Center for Democracy and Technology, a privacy advocacy


Your tax dollars at work.
Limitting this to cell phone is one thing. This isn't new - Isreal has this down to a Science.
What I dont like about it... I don't like any of it really. Extending Fed anything is bad.
There power is absolute. They can and do anything they want already.
So what is the point?

I would rather love to see such things as:
"Federal Law banning XYZ overturned."

I mean really - WHO are these guys after?
The government is offering to LET TERRORISTS free of they promise to PLAY NICE. Who are they going to be listening for?
"Honey, I have to stop by the Bank. I want to change accounts and move to another bank that has a better interest rate..."
"We gott'm boys - as soon as he comes out of the bank we will tail him to the next intersection and bust him for suspicion of DRUG TRAFFICING - I like that car he has and That much money will buy more of those new radar units - besides - my daughter was selling Girl Scout Cookies and said he has a huge BIG SCREEN TV that would be great in the squad room..."

Okay - let me simmer down some here - drink a mountain dew and relax a bit...

"We learn from history that we learn nothing from history."

-- George Bernard Shaw

The Critic formerly known as Kodiac
just one more step. they keep on and keep on.
when will it end? i think we all know the answer to that! i would really like to think that electing the right people to office will stop all this encroachment on the rights and privacy of the American people, i really would, but i don't see it happening. does anybody else on here really believe it? do you really think that we can straighten this mess out with elections?
