Feds defending the 2A?

Most of us know that the 2A exists to specifically deny the government power to take our guns away. Can the 2A be construed as a given, nay, a demand that the feds protect the right to own guns, especially providing protection against the erosion of said right from states or cities that choose to ignore the highest law of the land? States have rights, but they are part of the union that is supposed to be guided first and foremost by the Constition. How can any anti 2A law exist when it is direct opposition to the dictates of the limit of power that was imposed on government?

Help me understand why the feds haven't told any city and state that they better straighten up and fly right or be punished somehow? I realize fed HQ is most draconian of all offenders. How did it come to this?
your right! The states do have Some sense of sovereignty. The feds all ready impose more controls then provided by the constitution. What do you want?:eek:

The Feds over reached there bounds years ago! The feds started this fiasco! They circumvented the 2nd Amendment. The Very Law ment to keep them at bay!