FedEx sucks

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New member
heard the dogs barking so went to see why
there is a fedex truck in my driveway :)my grand must finally be here:D
chased the driver down the driveway hollering for him he sped up and hoped in the truck and took off
he didn't even ring the doorbell

What a punk.
But when you got the tracking info how were you able to NOT sit in the driveway waiting?
I know I would have, in fact I took the day off work every time, but I'm like that. Can't leave the M1 soaking in that nasty cosmoline any longer than it needs to.
interesting. for a few reasons.
1. you didn't get a confirmation email saying it would be delivered.
2. the guy could be fired for not leaving a 'sorry we missed you note'
3. how do you know the guy didn't get the wrong house?
4. for god's sake it's a GARAND, not GRAND... M1 Garand after John C Garand, the man that invented the M1.
he left a missed package note with my name on it so address was correct
but when I called out to the guy and he started walking a lot faster and took off right away I got mad.
sorry for needing to vent tahunua
hopefully I can catch him tomorrow before he fills out the missed package slip
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FedEx moron left my box of Kydex and assorted hardware out in the rain. He was stealthy too. Dog didn't hear him, didn't ring the bell. Nothing got hurt, but the box fell apart when I picked it up :mad:
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