Does Federal law ALWAYS over rule a state gun law?
I’m never a fan of answering “always” questions... as there are usually exceptions.
My toss in, I went for my C&R a couple months back. When NJ was rewriting their firearms law, they made private transfers pretty much illegal... with a few exceptions. Defined family members, police officers, and for the first time ever acknowledging them... licensed C&R FFLs. So, I went for mine.
When I applied, you have a list of what an FFL-03 (C&R) does not allow. First one, not a license to carry/use/possess a firearm. Second, and what is the point, you are not given any right or privilege to break state or local law. And the third is to not engage in a business. This was also went over by the ATF, when they conducted my interview (maybe a few questions to expand the application I already submitted, then mostly going over the law and explaining any possible issues that NJ could throw my way). Big one, even if a gun is C&R... it still can be an “assault weapon” per NJ. Prime example... I can’t go to PA, buy a M1 Carbine, and bring it back without violating NJ “assault weapon” law. They bring it up because, during audits, a few FFL-03s did that.
NJ law states that if I were to have a gun shipped to me (figuratively), it would have to go to a FFL-01 (dealer). Law isn’t clear on whether or not I need to go through a NICS, but a pistol permit is required (if it’s a handgun). One dealer I know said he would check with the NJSP, and go that route... but figured he could just log it out directly to my C&R (tempted to buy a C&R long gun before I leave to see what happens). Even if I buy privately with another C&R, pistol permit is required if it’s a handgun. I’m a little over two months from leaving, so I couldn’t get a permit in that time to try it (and I won’t, as I’m not giving NJ any extra money with their restrictions on my rights).
That being said, I’ve acquired two handguns on my C&R... without a NJ pistol permit. Both of which were purchased outside of NJ (PA), properly put in my A&D book when I got home (same day), and transported legally back into NJ. NJ law was followed (pistol permits clearly state on them that they are good only within NJ, and NJ law stops at the Delaware River... in which the pistols were legally acquired by that point), as was PA and Federal law... as the C&R allows you to buy handguns in other states.
NJ law is very annoying, but considering I’m going into Federal law enforcement, I kind of need to follow it. My 11+ round magazines are all sitting at my godmother’s house in PA until I make my final trip out of NJ. Upon moving, I’ll have a lot of better freedom with firearms... and will use it as such. Another example, I’ve had people tell me that they can easily get a SBR stamp within NJ (most never even looked at the form to apply). In the instructions, it clearly states that forms filed within states that restrict those weapons will be denied. Funny thing to note, NJ doesn’t have a law against SBRs. However, their definition of a SBS includes SBRs... as well as firearms the ATF say do not require a stamp (Luger or Mauser C96 with a stock).
With that definition, you’d think Shockwave/TAC-14 firearms are NJ illegal... nope. The NJSP and AG released a letter stating that those firearms are not shotguns, and that as long as you don’t build one off an existing shotgun receiver and follow Federal law regarding them... they are legal within NJ. My folding braced TAC-14 is what NJ allowed me to get... opposed to filing a tax stamp and building a SBS with an actual stock instead of the brace.
That all being said, I have money set aside for a S&W 1917 revolver... which I plan on picking one up at one of the next two Oaks gun shows (PA). Following both Federal and state law... but I always wanted one of those revolvers.