Federal Funds used against Missouri CCW Prop B...

The absolute perversion,corruption and un-Constitutionality of this Administration is beyond belief.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
I'm so angry I'm afraid to post right now. As soon as I calm down, two US Senators and one US Rep will be telephoned, e-mailed, & written.
Livid. LIVID! (and that time I meant to shout!)
They "don't know" who authorized the use of federal resources!
They "don't know" how much money they spent!
And even if they "did" know, they wouldn't have to tell you!
No responsibility,... No accountability,... NO SHAME!!!
There isn't a day that goes by that this administration doesn't make me want to vomit!
Called one of my senators this morning to talk about this. Their reaction was "What! where did you hear this? We haven't heard anything about it!"
I'm going to call back after lunch and give them the web address. If you contact your congressmen, have the address handy. Ity would appear they don't know about this. :(
My Senators are Boxer and Feinstein. I called my idiot Congressperson who is here for some publicity shots with Bruce Babbit.
Didn't get to talk to her, but did talk to a "spokesperson".

She didn't understand my ire and felt nothing was wrong with using Fed money to influence State votes. She used the analogy of National Parties funneling campaign money...I said..."a National Party is not the Federal gov't. Further, this is a backdoor way of subverting the 2nd Amendment."
I got angry and likely said too much so I'm probably on a "nutbar list" now :)

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
I just sent off a few letters to my reps, including Boxer & Feind-steen. Asked them what is next. Our taxes being used to support only those canidates endorsed by our government? Since the demo's are out of power in the house and senate, maybe they will think about that one.

Yes, but only to matching funds to the maximum amount that is collected on the tax return form. It is illegal for the gov to take sides in the issue. That is the point I was trying to get across.
