Federal "Classic" 12 gauge OOO buckshots


New member
Hi guys,
how is Federal "Classic" 12 gauge 2-3/4" OOO buckshots for HD purpose?are they good to use in 18" smooth bore Maverick shotgun?
Yes, it's good stuff. Why use 00 when you can use 000?

Actually, there probably isn't a very discernible difference between the two when it comes to the end result.
000 is exactly what I've been planning on getting for my new 20 ga. The ones I was looking at contained 20 pellets in a 20ga round. I agree that #4 hunting rounds would prove to be quite wicked also, at a much lesser price.

I wouldn't want to be in the path of any of them, near, far, or in between!

Josh P
Biggest Buckshot normally loaded in 20 gauge is #2 Buckshot. Federal has a 3 inch 20 gauge mag load that will hold 18 #2 sized Buckshot.

A 20 gauge shotgun, whether it is loaded with #2, #3, or #4 Buckshot is going to be a very formidable self-defense weapon. In fact, it is probably the better gun for most homeowners to use, due to its lower recoil.

12 gauge Buckshot loads really recoil very badly. A gas operated semiauto shotgun will reduce the recoil effect some and soften it. If you are shooting a pump gun, though, your shoulder will really get slammed.

Only men with real high testosterone levels shoot 12 gauge Buckshot ammo.

Lance, you never met Janice. She was cute, blond and a new CO in 1981 and had never held a gun of any type. She was also one click bigger than Tinker Bell.

After intake quals, she found she liked shooting. She also was a serious competition freak and got into 3 gun like a duck to swamp water.

In the old LE 3 gun league MD had, she stook HOA CO in 84. I was runner up.

Last i heard she was a US Marshall. And she loved 00 from an 870 and had a couple,one of which she won.
Only men with real high testosterone levels shoot 12 gauge Buckshot ammo.
^ ^ ^ well i guess my little sister is a real man... I live with her and taught her how to use the HD shotgun, I don't own a 20ga.
#3 and 000 Buckshot are two very different things. #3 Buck is the second smallest buckshot size ahead of #4 and behind #2 (in shotgun pellets, the smaller the number the larger the pellet and vice versa) and each pellet is .25" in diameter. 000 (pronounced "triple-ought") on the other hand is the largest commonly available buckshot and the second largest period (only 0000 and tri-ball are larger) with each pellet being .36" in diameter.

Personally, I would prefer #3 Buck to 000 Buck due to the higher pellet count (a standard 2 3/4" 12 ga shell with a 1oz loading would contain 18 #3 Buck pellets but only 6 000 Buck pellets).


20 Gauge 00 Tactical Buckshot


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As far as shot sizes versus pellet count goes, it pays to remember that when using a shotgun at point blank range--which is what home defense would always be--no matter the pellet size you're dumping more or less the same raw amount of energy and lead into your target. Also at that distance, basically anything coming out of a 12 gauge barrel will be fatal, and almost anything coming out of a 20 gauge barrel will be the same. So the difference in total energy delivered between, say, #4 buck and 000 buck is not going to be very big. Pick whatever you like better.
I thought I had this figured out until I read this post.
So, #4 Buckshot is not the same as #4 lead shot?
Which one is the one people always talk about useing for Coyotes?
Morgoroth, there's #4 buckshot, which has a diameter of 0.24, and #4 birdshot, which has a diameter of 0.13. For coyotes, people are probably using buckshot.