Federal Black Pack .45acp Velocity?

I might not want to know...I kind of stocked up on the stuff. Here (in the Twin Cities MN) it was going for $30 for a box of 150 brass-cased FMJ rounds at Fleet Farm. That's just $.20 a round and I haven't seen that price for a long, long time.
My bad. I should have said that $30 price was the price AFTER the rebate was applied. Before rebate it was around $42.50. (Round numbers)

Yup. I did the rebate thing and I must say I've encountered easier ways to get money back from a company. (The current Coors beer rebate is a snap by comparison, that is a long as you don't consume too much of the product before trying to submit the rebate.)

I did the online thing and with the photographs of everything. Got to use up ALL my photographic skills and got to use words I haven't used since long ago I tried to re-roof my house. (Thumbs, fingers and knees hurt just thinking about it.)

They give you a rebate code and allow you to check on the rebate and last time I did they were considering it. Guess we'll see.

P.S. The photography thing. They want the sales receipt (ok), the UPC codes from the boxes (ok) and then pictures of the FRONT and the SIDE of the box (??). I think I did that but they just might get huffy and say I photographed the TOP of the box instead of the Front. Well now. If they're THAT picky I'll mutter bad things about them under my breath.
Just got back from vacation and checked my Federal rebate status. It's 'Qualified'!

Thank goodness. I was afraid my photography wasn't going to be up to their standards and for the amount of money we're talking about ($25) I was gearing up to photography each round in the boxes (300 rounds total) and do a 'left profile', 'right profile' and a 'head stamp' shot of each round to prove I had purchased them. It would have been 900 photos but in the digital world that only costs a tiny bit of electricity a little bit of band width.

I'm glad I didn't have to go to those lengths.
Looking forward to getting my check in 10 to 12 weeks.

(And despite my joking this really was a nice rebate from Federal.)
Whoo Hoo! Got my rebate. It's a in the form of a Master Card with an expiration date of 7/20. (Spending it by 7/2020 will probably NOT be a problem.) Thank you Federal even if you did strain my photography ability.