Federal, all states carry license.


New member
Has there ever been any serious talk about a national ccw permit? So what if it is rigorous? Very thorough back round check, a practical test, a legal knowledge exam? Yes, many may not pass, but what about the ones that can?
given that two cities and at least one town ship don't even allow handguns in general, I doubt it would work. Plus, two states and a district don't allow carry at all. Plus, some states have extremely strict gun criteria regarding what guns can enter the state..... I don't think it would work.... at all.... due to preemptive state laws regarding firearms in general.
There is no way that I will support a federal CCW that will be administered at the whim of federal politicians. Any such permit would be much more restrictive than the state permit I have now!
You can go on-line to see reciprocity arrangements for your (our) state with other states... that's about as close as you'll get with a NCCW for now.

"There is no way that I will support a federal CCW that will be administered at the whim of federal politicians. Any such permit would be much more restrictive than the state permit I have now! "............................

I couldn't agree with Don more!!!!!
There is no way that I will support a federal CCW that will be administered at the whim of federal politicians. Any such permit would be much more restrictive than the state permit I have now!
Absolutely right. What's more, even if it were quite permissive at first, it would be child's play to add onerous restrictions as time went on. There would be some element of federal registration, either of the gun or the owner.
There is no way that I will support a federal CCW that will be administered at the whim of federal politicians. Any such permit would be much more restrictive than the state permit I have now!

A federal CHL or oversite would be a very bad idea.

However, I would and do support legislation that forces states to recognize other states' CHLs by requiring they observe and enforce the "Full Faith and Credit" clause of the Constitution just like they do with any other license or legal document.
However, I would and do support legislation that forces states to recognize other states' CHLs by requiring they observe and enforce the "Full Faith and Credit" clause of the Constitution just like they do with any other license or legal document.

States are not bound to recognize "any other" licenses issued by other states. For instance, insurance companies are licensed on a state-by-state basis. The only state license that I am aware of that is recognized by all states is a drivers license, and that recognition is by mutual agreement of the states.
I would submit. If you want a glimpse of what a federal concealed weapons permit would look like, Look at the federal flight deck officer program. Sorry I'll pass.
Better to have states do it with reciprocity. Watching Congress leads me to think we would have a 2000 page CCW bill that will cost a fortune.
I am in the group of "it is the States business, keep the Feds out of it."

Too few politicians in this case (federal level) would mean trouble.
I'm with the group of keeping the feds out of it.States are supposed to run their own business.Things are tough enough with state CCW.The feds would screw up a free lunch,keep em out of it.
I would have mixed feelings about this, I feel it is handled best at the state level, but it should also be recognized equivically to a drivers license. each state should respect the license your state has given to you.

so if your a resident in another state and lets say your passing through a different state you cant have your side arm?

yes, provided that you have it either in your trunk, or not "immediately accessible" is the best approch to this, especially if you're traveling through a unfriendly gun state. many states recognize others CCP, I'm pretty sure that a new law was just passed regarding this issue too. I would say if you're traveling check out the recipricocity of the states you wish to pass through. ignorance of the law is not an exclusion to the penalties.
They just tried it a couple of months ago. It was a rider called the Thune Amendment. It was narrowly defeated. Didn't have any crazy restrictions. All it said was that if you are a state that offers CCW, you must recognize licenses from other states. Essentially, forced reciprocity for the 48 states that offer CCW, sans Illinois and Wisconsin. CCW licenses would have been given the same treatment as drivers licenses and marriage certificates.
They just tried it a couple of months ago. It was a rider called the Thune Amendment. It was narrowly defeated. Didn't have any crazy restrictions. All it said was that if you are a state that offers CCW, you must recognize licenses from other states. Essentially, forced reciprocity for the 48 states that offer CCW, sans Illinois and Wisconsin. CCW licenses would have been given the same treatment as drivers licenses and marriage certificates.

This is correct. It was defeated in the Senate by one or two votes short of a filibuster proof majority.

It didn't allow any new powers to the Feds, it simply would have recognized our RKBA doesn't stop at our own state lines.
As I read these, I agree about the Fed's involvement. However, if administered the way it was intended, the 2nd ammendment (FED) would force the non compliant states to offer CCP's. Then mandate all states honor the CCP's. Just a thought.

Thanks everyone.
A uniform law. such as the UCC,may not be a bd idea. It would keep the federal govt out of this issue and would allow a ccw holder to know what the law is in each state that participates in the compact rathe than having to keep track if the specific requirements of each state.
For example,in Missouri certian aspects of concealed carry and open carry are permissible however I cannot assume that is the case in a state that offers reciprocity.If I go to another state I have to follow that states laws and I am charged with knowledge of same. It would be very easy for a ccw holder to unwittingly get in serious trouble because that person did not know that they were breaking the law. A uniform law would help to aviod this problem. Getting 48 states to agree to this,well..........
There is no way that I will support a federal CCW that will be administered at the whim of federal politicians. Any such permit would be much more restrictive than the state permit I have now!


A uniform law. such as the UCC,may not be a bd idea. It would keep the federal govt out of this issue ...

The second you have another law, you have the Federal Government in the issue.

The last thing we need is more laws. Laws always restrict natural rights. Right now, the FedGov has no say over concealed weapons, yea or nay. Keep it that way.
I agree. We don't need more laws. The problem with the current ccw laws is that there are too many of them making it easy for someone to violate with out knowing it. A uniform law is not a federal law. It is a body of law that addresses a certian subject in the same manner with the same language in the states that choose to participate.
Federal involement

Case in point. Years ago the federal goverment (DOT) mandated that all states pass a motorcycle helmet law or lose federal highway funds. Delaware being small and such,said OK. You got to have a helmet in full sight. Did not say you had to wear it. It is still in effect today.:rolleyes::rolleyes:. In other words keep the feds out of so called regulations. Joe