Tons of reasons actually. We investigate assaults, thefts, accidents, fraud, etc. Whether PTSD, illegal substance abuse, psych issues- we have some patients who are prone to violence, some can't reasonably defend themselves from the violent ones- and just as patients have treatment rights, Veterans and employees alike also have the right not to be victims. Hobgoblins know or believe Veterans receive various types of medications that have street value interest- and the Vets deserve not to have them stolen. Workplace violence takes a wide and varied appearance- domestic issues, substance abuse, psychosis, stress, etc. We do just about everything the city/county/state Officers do- and often times more. We make it a higher priority to strive for peaceful outcomes because our Veterans come to the VA for help and sometimes (for some) acting out is reaching out. Also, there are jurisdictional issues. VA's are federal property (similar to fed courthouses and military installations), and sometimes there are conflicts in law, policies, and procedures that local agencies can't conform to or support. We're one of the largest uniformed police agencies in the nation- it's just difficult to realize that as we are scattered from coast to coast, Puerto Rico, and Alaska.