Federal .38 Special HST 130-Grain +P


Member Emeritus
Don't normally do this, but wanted to pass it on for those who may be looking for a good .38 Spec snub revolver load.

This is it. :)

Out of my Colt 2-inch DS, chronoed 800 FPS, travelled through 18 inches of water, expanded perfectly, did not fragment at all.

130 JHP is seated almost flush.
Expensive at $30 for 20, but premium defensive stuff.
NOT range plinkers. :)
So what am I missing...

as I am using the last of Hornady 140gr XTP for .38Spl #9035, @900 fps,

chronograph over PACT Model 1 @ 925 from my J-frame, and at standard pressure??

Hornady stopped making for why???

Hornady used the same bullet in their .357Mag load @1400 fps, #9055, chrono'd @ 1425 fps. from RSS

All shot to POA/PO. with decent recoil
Since the new .38 Special HST apparently isn't being pushed as a LE load (even though 5-shot snubs are still quite popular among some users for off-duty & secondary weapons), it seems the company hasn't focused on the same LE testing protocols for the new personal defense .38 Special HST +P.

The Federal Premium HST line is known for its ability to perform well in ballistic gelatin, meeting the famous "FBI Protocol" standards for penetration and expansion. However, the company did not test its Micro HST bullet with the protocol. Johnson did say that Federal Premium tested the round through heavy clothing and ballistic gelatin, and the company recorded "consistent penetration and expansion" in those tests.


Interesting idea to help stabilize burn rates/velocity by deep seating of the bullet. Might make it like loading wadcutters when using speedloaders/strips, though. Won't know unless I could run some cylinder loads through a couple of my J's sometime.

The 125-135gr bullet weight does seem to be the sweet spot when it comes to the most effective "performing" low-velocity bullet weights in diminutive snubs, using the more modern JHP designs, and the 130gr seems to be gaining some attention.

As much as I've found the older "modern design" 125gr HPJ/BJHP (Golden Sabre) +P to be a fine shooting load in my assorted S&W J's (and some limited gel testing done several years ago), I've also found the Speer 135gr GDHP +P and the Win 130gr RA38B (PDX1) +P loads to do quite well, accuracy-wise. The limited testing I've seen, and have learned of being done (locally), in hosted gel events seems to show both the GDHP & the RA38B to do surprisingly well in the 4LD/HC testing out of actual snubs.

I'd like to run a box or two of the HST Micro load through a couple of my snubs before adding it to the mix of +P carry loads I use, but the cost is a bit much for it to be used for much training/quals (unless my former agency decides to order some to stock in the range inventory ;) ).

Nice to see the venerable .38 Special continuing to benefit from some attention when it comes to defensive carry ammunition for the hugely popular snub barreled models.
Never been a fan of 130s, but I'm impressed with the penetration & expansion on this load, with mild recoil in a small revolver.
I was never a fan of the standard pressure 130gr ball loads, either, with their very pedestrian velocities. It's a couple of the newer JHP bullet designs in that middleweight range that seem to offer a pretty balance in weight, penetration & expansion when fired from short barrels.

It took a while for me to be willing to set aside my long preferred 158gr LSWCHP/LHP +P loads. ;)
I like the HST 9mm loads so was glad to hear they were doing a 38 version. The downside of it not being marketed as a LE load is not being able to get reasonably priced 50-round boxes.

I'd love for Lucky Gunner to run it through their protocol and see how it stacks up against some other loads like the Golden Saber and Ranger Bonded.
Thanks for the info, I don't carry revovlers but it's nice to know all the same.
I like the HST 9mm loads so was glad to hear they were doing a 38 version. The downside of it not being marketed as a LE load is not being able to get reasonably priced 50-round boxes.
Agree, If I can't pick up a 50 round box for a reasonable price I'd just use something else probably.

I guess on the other hand you wouldn't need to do any real feeding testing on a revovlver but still $30 for 20? come off it federal.