Fear of entrapment?

cornered rat

Just called a Gun+pawn shop in town where I once saw some inexpensive .22 single action revolver. They had probably sold it and could only offer a much more expensive one.

I asked what kind of an inexpensive .22 handgun they had in stock that was suitable for teaching a kid to shoot.

"It is illegal for kids to shoot handguns, isn't it."

"No," I said, planning to note the need for adult supervision.

"Tell you what, come in and see for yourself". Click.

Hmmm...that place is quite a drive for me, I will likely just buy from someplace closer. I wonder what the @#* they were thinking...ATF trying to get them to admit that they traffic 40mm Bofors automatic school-cleaners to tots?

Cornered Rat
ddb.com/RKBA Updated March 20
"Disarm, then past the barbed wire, into the oven and out of the smoke-stack..."
Just goes to show how easy it is to confuse everyone - dealers, gun owners, the general public, law enforcement officers, and legislators, about what the laws are and what new laws propose. Some of this confusion is clearly deceit by gun control advocates, some is due to the complexity of the law, and some is due to ignorance.

There is no excuse for a retail establishment treating a consumer that way. Especially someone who was trying to introducea potential future customer for the next generation.

I'd say post the name of the shop so TFLers can no longer patronize it if we are in the area, and possibly let them know why.

We need to not cut ourselves off from the rest of society.. there are still people out there who have never shot, but don't want to take our guns away. Still people out there who might like to try hunting some time, if they don't get intimidated at the Gun Shop. Still people out there that can be recruited to our side, if our condescending/defensive nature doesn't chase them off....

Here is what you do - go into that shop - load up a bunch of products - that you would have purchased - then explain to there faces that you WOULD have bought these items if so and so had not HUNG UP ON YOU!

This lets them see a DOLLAR amount that they just lost. This hurts them... and it feels good to let them know just what a jerk they have been. :)

Easy, Fellas.

I'm new here so I'll stick my neck out and draw fire... I personally don't blame that pawn shop owner for not wishing to continue that conversation. He could, however, have been more polite and Invited the customer rather than being so terse.

This is my case. You all must know that today's ATF exists for the sole purpose of harassing the unwary innocent, amassing a "body count" as someone here put it. This "body count" of citizens, YOU and ME, will be taken one by one by misinformation, false accusation, unfathomably complex and contradictory laws, and even ENTRAPMENT until enough "Haneous Gun Felonies" have been committed to warrent "Compulsory full gun registration and subsiquent confescation" by our government protectors.

This shop owner probably saw all those "Undercover Investigative Reports" in which undercover ATF/PD waltz in and subtly hint around about wanting something illegal. It's easy to f**k up and slit your own throat when dealing with crafty deceitful set-ups like that.

After the recent HooHa about "Kids should not even touch guns till they're 37" type talk going around, he has a right to be suspicous of some stranger wanting to get a gun for his kid. After all, all those nice Illinois State Police wanted was a shotgun for a friend in Chicago. All that nice GAO agent wanted was to know if a .50 BMG would go through a car and bullet proof glass.

The Feds are not above illegal wire taps. Major news magazines seem to be scripted by Schumer, Feinstein, Kennedy (both the bas****s), Gephart (my home district), and their fellow invertibrates. 20/20 likes to stick real guns in toyboxes and let 3 year olds find and play with them unsupervised on camera so we can see how stupid a 3 year old is and they can say "If these guns were operable, by our estimate we would have 20 to 30 dead children in that room". :WREEEETCCCHHH:

"The path of the rightous man is beset on all sides..." Woah, scary movie flashback. :) We are in the process of being murdered. Slowly, but undeniably. The government has declared their own citizend to be their enemies. It is only a matter of time before we lose this battle, but WE WILL WIN THE WAR.

Care to add anything?
Everything you said was pretty accurate, most important to this thread was the part where you said:

"He could, however, have been more polite and Invited the customer rather than being so terse."

That is the point. We are all aware of the problems FFL face, but that does not excuse good manners and common sense when dealing with customers, especialy when there is a potential new shooter in the balance.
