
New member
Heard on the news last night that the FBI has suspended PUBLIC TOURS of the HQ building in DC.
Fear of Terrorist Threats? They suspected that as the reason. So basicaly all they have doen is put another wedge between the US vs THEM... Distancing the Public from Big Brother.

Or maybe the reason is that the FBI is too busy with investigating the 1800 TFL members and all the new ones popping in. ;)

Bad PR move for an Agency that already has a Bad image.

Every man Dies.
Not Every Man Truely Lives...


"Tours will not resume until the FBI can conduct a security assessment of its employess and tourists."

So says the FBI......
I saw on the news this morning that they are also considering closing the U.S. House of Representatives "the peoples house" to visitors and tours.
Have you ever been on the FBI tour? It is a complete waste of time. I did the VIP version and I would have been better off sitting in my hotel room. Even the shooting demo sucked.
I know someone who got a "VIP" version of the tour and was able to shoot several guns, including a full auto MP5... didn't sound like a waste of time to me!
Some VIPs are more VI than others it seems...

And would that have been a fabled MP5/10?
or for you Clancy Fans, an MP10?

[This message has been edited by Kodiac (edited July 24, 1999).]
That I don't know... I couldn't tell from the pictures and the VIP wouldn't have been able to tell an MP5/10 from Tec-9. :(
The demo I saw, which was back in May, had one agent firing a .38 revolver, a glock (don't remember the caliber), and an MP5 (both semi and full) in 9mm. Shooting was slow fire and at about 20 feet. Groups were 4-6 inches with the semi's and about 18 inches with the full. He just did not impress me a that good of a shooter.

After the demo he came out for questions and my wife, of all people, asked him how long agents trained with the three weapons they use (handgun, shotgun, subgun) and the answer was about three weeks at the academy. Her follow-up question was "Do you feel that is adequate time for people to become competent with the weapons?" He didn't answer for a second and went on to say how the training is sperad out over the length of the academy and it starts with the very basics. Basically didn't answer the question.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying all FBI agents are bad shots. I personally know some that are very good. All I'm saying is that if they are going to have a shooting demo, they should have someone with a higher degree of skill.
Wandering threads happen. Dont worry about it.
I am just worried about Uncle Sam becoming an even more distant uncle. Dont get me wrong - I would rather Uncle Sam moved to Kosovo... But as long as he is able to kick me around - I want him close enough to kick back...

Every man Dies.
Not Every Man Truely Lives...

