FBI gun death stats

Romeo 33 Delta

New member
Anybody got that link to the FBI firearms death statistics, showing more people killed with hammers, etc than with rifles? I lost my notes ... DARN!
Thanks ... but wasn't there a post which listed the totals? (yeah, I know I can run them myself ... but why re-invent the wheel if I don't have to).
From the linked page, you can download the data as an Excel file, and then just "auto sum" the columns - thirty seconds' work.

Here are the totals for the nine columns:

12,664 8,583 6,220 323 356 1,684 1,694 1,659 728
The problem with the UCRs is that the data is reported by individual law enforcement agencies and is often incomplete. For example, during its reign as murder capital of the U.S., DC would often not report data by the deadline, causing the FBI to estimate numbers based on previous reports.

The CDC mortality data is more accurate but doesn't break out cause of death as specifically as the FBI's since it is filled out by doctors rather than investigators.
I am glad to see all that gun control crap in California is working. They topped the list with 1,790 total deaths. The even had 101 murders that were committed by hands, fists or feet. You sure don't see those politicians using those stats to further their gun control cause.
