FBI DID Fire on Branch Divs


New member
This info per FOX News:

Report: Investigator Believes FBI
Fired Shots at Branch Davidians
6.53 a.m. ET (1053 GMT) October 6, 1999

WASHINGTON — An expert in thermal imaging and videotape believes that an
FBI agent fired shots during the bureau's 1993 siege of the Branch Davidian
compound near Waco, Texas.

The FBI has said that none of its agents fired shots at any time during the siege in
which about 80 people died.

The Washington Post reports in Wednesday's editions that Carlos Ghigliotti,
who was hired by the House Government Reform Committee and who has
worked for the FBI in the past, has reviewed hundreds of hours of videotaped

"I conclude that the FBI fired shots on that day," Ghigliotti told the Post in an
interview conducted Tuesday. "I conclude this based on the ground-view
videotapes taken from several different angles simultaneously and based on the
overheard thermal tape. The gunfire from the ground is there, without a doubt."

Ghigliotti, owner of Infrared Technologies Corp., in Laurel, Md., said the tapes
also confirm that the Davidians fired at FBI agents repeatedly during the assault.

Although FBI agents were operating under rules that permitted them to return fire,
bureau officials have maintained that no agents fired any shots.

Ghigliotti is not asserting that any injuries or deaths were caused by FBI gunshots.

He told the Post he reached his conclusion after spending hundreds of hours
reviewing various tapes of the siege, including a newly released FBI audio
recording that was part of a videotape turned over to Congress recently in
response to a subpoena.

Rep. Dan Burton, R-Ind., chairman of the committee that retained Ghigliotti said
"it is premature to make any final determination."

"We don't want to go off half-cocked," Burton told the Post. "As soon as we get
all the necessary information, we will hold hearings and present the information to
the American people."

Former Sen. John C. Danforth, R-Mo., has been appointed by Attorney General
Janet Reno to investigate FBI actions at Waco.

I respect your right to your own opinions and beliefs
and will fight to the death to defend your right to them
regardless of how uninformed and ignorant they may be.

[This message has been edited by Mossyrock (edited October 06, 1999).]

I suppose it is not so much that they fired shots:

but that they were fired at the only exits from the inferno while people were burning to death, in effect trapping, and murdering them.

That they first pumped 10x the maximum amount of flamable tear gas into the building first, an amount that would have incapacitated an adult, much less babies.

That they then punched holes throughout the building on a day that had 25 mph winds.

That they then lobbed in two percussion grenades which are thought to have sparked the inferno.

That repeated 911 calls from the compound pleading for them to call off the attack went unheeded.

That the FBI destroyed the "crime scene" afterwards and thwarted investigations by local authorities.

That the FBI has lied. Lied about not using flashbangs, that they did not fire any shots, and that they recieved no military help.

My sense of smell isn't that good, and even I notice the stench on this one.

[This message has been edited by olazul (edited October 09, 1999).]