FBI breaking the law again

So who are they going to get in trouble with, Janet Reno? So far as this administration is concerned, there AREN'T any laws, because they control the part of the government that enforces the laws, and can simply refuse to enforce the laws against their own illegal actions!

Sic semper tyranus!
Let's see. When one branch of the government goes "bad" it is the job of the other two branches to unite and bring the third branch back into line.

Oh. That doesn't work because the Democrats occupy most of the positions of power - the Presidency, most of the legislators and other public offices.

Well, Okay! That's why we have the "loyal opposition" of the Republicans. They are to oppose the Democrats when they violate the law.

Oh. That doesn't work because legislation is not passed on its own merits. Legislation is supported or opposed only as ways of putting pressure on other legislators to support each other. Any wide-spread opposition therefore is "unacceptable".

Don't rock the boat.
To get along, go along.
Be a team player.
It's the nail that sticks up that gets hammered down.
I'll vote for your dam if you'll vote for my highway.

It sounds like our government, all three federal branches, have become one large, monolithic force above and beyond both the Americans they are supposed to represent and the Constitution they are supposed to adhere to.

It sounds like our representatives, from both major parties, have become so busy scratching each others' backs that they also have become one large monolithic force above and beyond both the Americans they are supposed to represent and the Constitution they are supposed to adhere to.

There currently is only one effective government branch. The three different names mean very little.

There currently is only one effective political party. The two different names mean very little.

(The few exceptions exist only to be "politically correct"."

What we need is a two party system. You know, a "second" party to oppose the Republocrats. Gee, I wonder who the next biggest political party in America is after the Republocrats.....
National CCW:

The FBI is not "breaking the law again". Since they have never stopped the illegal antics, they are "still breaking the law".

DOJ will most certainly NOT being anyone up on charges, not with the current administration in power, at least, possibly not with any other administration either.
THE CONGRESS could put an end to their transgressions, via proper use of "the power of the purse", to mention just one way, however that body would require a very healthy push, before it acted.

So much for the Congress, and it's "oversight responsibility". Once again, one is faced with the dismal fact that the vast majority of people, gun powners included, pay no attention to what is going on around them, until it has bitten them on the ass, and then it is often to late.
Amen, Dennis.

Reading "Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal," by Ayn Rand, should be required of every politician and in every high school.
If you all will remember, the federal attorney in Missourri was doing many illegal things during the pre-election period on CCW including the expenditure of funds and materials to lobby against the legislation. Of course, nothing has come of it.

Gun Control: The proposition that a woman found dead in an alley, raped and strangled with her own panty hose, is more acceptable than allowing that same woman to defend herself with a firearm.