Fax Congressional Leadership courtesy of MMM


New member

They've structured this service in such a way that it would be difficult to get your fax counted as pro-RKBA.

"Anyone feel like saluting the flag which the strutting ATF and FBI gleefully raised over the smoldering crematorium of Waco, back in April of ‘93?" -Vin Suprynowicz

[This message has been edited by deanf (edited May 08, 2000).]

[This message has been edited by deanf (edited May 08, 2000).]
Well, here's what i faxed using the MMM site...

The Honorable Trent Lott, FAX (202) 224-2262
The Honorable Thomas Daschle, FAX (202) 224-7895
The Honorable Dennis hastert, FAX (202) 225-7733
The Honorable Richard Gephardt, FAX (202) 225-7414


As a supporter of the goals of the Million Mom March, which is dedicated to ensuring the safety of our nation's children from senseless
gun violence, please instruct House and Senate members to debate and pass common sense legislation by June 30 of this year.

As a law abiding citizen, and gun owner, I am concerned when I hear stories in the news when those responsible for the ability of the little
boy in Flint Michigan to have access to a stolen gun will be given reduced prison time and smaller fines because of a plea bargin, in Federal
Court. It concerns me because as a gun owner, I ensure that nobody will have access to my firearms without my consent and knowledge;
and yet i am considered the faulty partner. I own a heavy safe in which all of my firearms reside when I am not using them or when i am not
home to need them; i alone know the combination. But this will not stop the criminal. When a criminal is intent on breaking into my
house, stealing my firearms, and selling them for illegal drugs it is harrassing to try to hold me accountable for the illegal and violent acts of
that criminal. I am not at fault anymore than if i were a car-owner who has his car stolen and then used in a crime. I have read this
weekend that those responsible for the tragedy in Flint Michigan will receive reduced sentances and smaller fine in a Federal Court case
brought against them. This is outrageous. Those evil persons were not law-abiding citizens; they were illegal drug users and violent
criminals. These felons should see every minute of the prison time the law allows. These felons should pay every penny of the fines allowed
by Federal Law. The NRA is working very hard with Project Exile to ensure that violent criminals who choose to terrorize us with guns see
maximum prison time for their crimes. The NRA is also the world leader in firearms safty education, especially for children. These efforts
have enabled us to live in a time where accidental injuries from firearms are at an all time low. Please continue to support the NRA and the
Million Mom March in their efforts to put criminals behind bars. Please continue to support the NRA and the Million Mom March in
educating our children about the safe and appropriate handling of firearms. Please work for legislation that will make criminals lives
harder, and will not harass law-abiding citizens. I will be at the march in Providence, RI, 14 May 2000. Sincerely.

I will be joining my fellow concerned Moms at The Washington D.C. Million Mom March on May 14th in support of the laws requiring:

1.That the government take a no-nonsense approach when enforcing existing laws.



I think it makes a little sence. :)
