Favorite Holster Design

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Hi all, I have two pistols that lack holsters--a .380 Mustang, and a .45 Commander. Both should have "concealed carry" holsters, not open carry. What would you suggest, and by what maker? I'm leaning toward some form of pocket carry for my mustang, and IWB for the .45. Opinions on the advantages/disadvantages of carry modes?
(contest entry, but a serious question)
For the .380, I suggest you email Mac Scott, our Smithy Moderator and invite him to join this thread. Mac specializes in the Mustang, among others.

For the 1911, I strongly recommend the Mad Dog Gun Glove in Kydex...see our Links section. While Kevin "Mad Dog" McClung does make great IWB variations, think carefully about this. IMHO, IWB carry for large autos is seldom more concealable to the thin amongst us (distorts the pant line along the belt and creates it's own type of "print"). Also, IWB is almost *never* as comfortable as "OWB", and usually a bit slower on the presentation.
Hope this helps.
Jim Burke in Paris, Texas makes a neat holster, very comfortable, concealable, and accessible.

[This message has been edited by Doc (edited 10-18-98).]

We kinda specialize in pocket holsters for the Colt .380, both Mustang and Pony, and keep in stock holsters from four different custom makers for these guns.

You might want to check out our website at http://www.colt380.com.


For Mustang, pocket holster by any of several, Rbyka, Null, are two. For commander, check out Lou Alessi, Milt Sparks, Ken Null. Stay away from the plastic ( Kydex ? ). They are very noisy on presentation, and are super stiff and in IWB, uncomfortable, and tend to print. Today I am wearing an old Sparks summer special. It has been on for 14 hours, and I shot a match with it this morning. Quite often I wear it for as much as 20 hours a day, and comfort is there. Gun is a Colt Commander. In a pocket is a Wather TPH in a Null pocket holster. It also works well. GLV
check out the "York Concealment System" from MD ent. He also makes a pocket holster

<A HREF="http://www.gunsandgold.com">click</A>

I had Mark make me a SOB style for my HK compact, and asked him to add a sheath for
a tac folder. He had me send the knife to him, and did an exelent job with the holster.
He also took the time to talk to me, he has impecable customer service.

I came away a customer for life.

[This message has been edited by ShadedDude (edited 10-19-98).]
Regarding Kydex as "super noisy"; I agree but ask the question, "does it matter?". If you're in a confrontational draw race, the "swish" is of no consequence. If you're attempting to be "stealthy", a firearm can easily been withdrawn from Kydex with less sound than the snick of your 1911 or USP safety coming off.

Don't get me wrong. Kydex is the material I hate to love. But it's hard not to. (Agreed that IWB's a different story)
Rich, your last statement reminds me of one I've heard about Glocks quite a bit.

I fell victim to the "plastic" holster myself recently. I kinda like the positive "swish-click" when I put the weapon back in.

Personally, I really like a "less is more" approach to holster design. The Yaqui Slide from Galco is one of my favorites. I used to like inside the pants holsters, but I've gotten away from them in the last few years. I've gotten a lot more comfortable carrying a gun on my hip over the years.
Rich, to me, trying to draw the firearm in a stealthy manner, would be one more thing to learn/remember in a high stress situation, and what is the best location for the firearm when the action starts? In the hand! Last, I saw several references to lost finish on guns carried in Kydex, what difference does it make? The firearm for me is a tool, a piece of safety equipmemt, or entertainment equipment. It is not the crown jewels. GLV
Again, "when the action starts", does it matter if the sounds emanating from your area are "snick", "bang" or "swish", "snick", "bang"? I dunno. Guess one could argue that every fraction of a second counts.

Personally, I think it's a judgement call. I've seen guys do better out of military flap holsters than the entire rest of a class of 15. Wonder how much better he'd have been out of Kydex.

Regarding the friction/finish issue, I'm in your corner. If I wanted a 14k gold inlaid firearm for aesthetic pleasure, I probably wouldn't carry it period.

I carry my G23 in a Milt Sparks Executives Companion IWB holster. I find it to be very comfortable and much more concealable than an OWB. I can wear it with only a shirt. I can even tuck in the shirt (except around the holster) and blouse it a bit and the gun disappears. This is especially nice for the warm weather.
This issue is bigger than "which gun has the best feel" What fits one man doesn't fit the next etc...
The best holster is the one that holds the weapon securly at the desired level of retention, draws fast for the gun drawing it, hides the gun best with what your wearing, and looks good while doing all the above.

This is why probably all of us here have a box FULL of used holsters. I know I sure do.
And if I dont have a holster that works, I can mad doctor a couple old ones and get the right one by hand. Last year while on patrol I realized I wanted lowride jacket slot rig ( I have an old shoulder injury that doesnt agree with drawing a gun with the butt up near my arm pit... it is much easier and less painful to draw if the butt is nice and low). When I go thome I looked at all my holsters and got out my Dremel... I ended up with a true bastard rig that worked great. Using the shank from a Safariland and the actual holster from a desanti rig... some unscrewing and drilling and reattaching. There it was. Angled and canted just like I wanted, low as I wanted. And in the standard black leather, it looked dang good too. Not as low as a tactical thigh holster... but JUST RIGHT for ME. That was the BEST HOLSTER. It only took an hour of making and a few minutes of adjusting.
You know your a gun nut when the holster company calls you for ideas on a new holster.

But I have to agree, at this point I only have one holster for my Carry gun...and I'm getting tired of it being there all the time.
I would like a OWB next, then a IWB...and from there I can go untill I have every concevable holster for it. Then I'll have to start making "Kodiac" holsters =D

If your question is for those paticuler guns, decide where you want to carry them, and get a holster that goes there. There are no wrong choices, only un-comft-erble ones.
Hey Shaded,
Take an IWB rig and remove the belt loops - then you can rivet a broad piece of leather on the oposite side and fabricate your own OWB rig that is not bulky - or you can fabricate a beaver tail flap thingy and you got your self a paddle rig.

It's fun to see what you can come up with.
i think I'll take a couple of my B-17 models and a soldering iron - cut off the wings, and make some KYDEX sheaths for my knives.

I hope you guys realize I was kidding here...
I would never cut up a B-17

[This message has been edited by Kodiac (edited 10-24-98).]

I am going to try forming Kydex in the next few weeks. If I can do that...then I'll be able to make a killer holster...WITH VELCRO!

YEAH! I'll make it velcro to my belt! yeah yeah!

ok I'm going now....
I recently bought one of the OTW Dillon LTD holsters for my compact Kimber. It’s very good quality and carries well. I’m pleased with it and think it’s an excellent value for the money at $47.
Ok, I just checked out MacDougal's web site, and saw their pocket holsters for the Mustang. Two things concern me about them, however. First, if I put aftermarket sights on, such as the advertised Novak's, will the pistol still fit? Second, how would your pistol come free of the holster (without using your left hand to pull it off) if you are carrying it in a larger, looser pocket such as my jacket? Has anyone velcroed a holster into their pocket before?
Murphy - I just got a DeSantis holster for my Colt Pony. It's a great holster. It has a flap that can catch on the edge of the pocket when you draw. Also the sides are stiff enough to apply thumb pressure and draw it this way as well. Either way it stays in your pocket.
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