Favorite (and not so much) Rifles


New member
After reading and posting up in the current thread about Scout rifles, I've been thinking about the rifles I've enjoyed shooting (and carrying) the most since I turned of age. I've noticed there's a pretty common theme: short, light(ish) making them easy to carry, firing cartridges of moderate power and recoil (mostly). A brief list:

1) Ruger 96/44, .44 Magnum - my first center fire rifle, I carried it many days out behind the house after school after I turned 16. It was great for carrying, fairly accurate (1" or so at 50-yards) but Ruger's curved carbine butt plate is a torture device on anything bigger than a .22.

2) Remington M700 Mountain Rifle, .260 Rem - my second rifle, not as convenient to carry in the brush as the Ruger, a lot more accurate (multiple 1/2" 100-yard groups and 1.25" pretty easily) and not as torturous to shoot. Oddly, I never shot it as well from field positions as the Ruger, in-spite of it being less painful. Also, the only one I've traded off that I do miss.

3) T/C Encore Katahdin, .50-cal muzzleloader or .45-70 - short, light, big-bored, a breeze to carry and I did carry it a lot. Almost as accurate as the M700 (the .50-caliber barrel would make 1 hole with 3 shots at 50-yards) but not very shooter friendly. I'm now convinced I did NOT take a shot at an 8-point buck one day because I was afraid of this rifle; it bit me repeatedly and mercilessly. My friends nicknamed this one "The Punisher".

4) Marlin 336GBL, .30-30 - finally! A short, reasonably weighted rifle I like to shoot, like to carry and can reliable hit a pie-plate at 100-yards without contorting myself to the stock or sights. Definitely not an accuracy standout, maybe 2-MOA capable on a long-run average. But so far my favorite if we're talking field carry, field shooting and shooting at the range.

5) Colt 6920, 5.56mm - haven't carried this one anywhere except from the cabinet to the car to the firing line and back. Shoots about as well as the Marlin, except it will do it over longer shot strings. Super fun as a range blaster, I'm very comfortable with it because I've shot it a lot. It's short and lightweight, I don't see any reason to think it would be a burden to carry afield with a short magazine in place.

Do you look back at your favorites and see a common theme?
I've owned a bunch over the last 40+ years. There aren't many I haven't owned or at least tried. I'm primarily a hunter, not target shooter, and often hunt in some pretty steep rough spots. Light weight and quick pointing are major factors. I've been chasing lightweight easy to carry rifles my whole life.

Despite the myth traditional levers are the heaviest, bolt guns are the lightest if equipped the same. The lightest big game rifle I own is a Kimber 308 that comes in a tad under 6 lbs including scope and mounts. But after using it a few years I've concluded it is too light for general purpose use. It is still a fine choice for extreme conditions where every ounce counts, but I've concluded 7-7 1/2 lbs ready to go is the perfect balance of portability with enough weight to shoot easily and comfortably.

I've had this Winchester EW in 308 for 5-6 years now and it is as close to perfect as I can imagine. It is 7 lbs 5 oz as pictured with the McMillan Edge stock and is the most consistently accurate gun I've ever owned. It shoots every load I've ever put in it plenty accurate enough to hunt with and often approaching 1/2 MOA. There is much less difference between common cartridges than most will admit. The 308 is suitable for anything in the lower 48 out to 400-500 yards. You could say the same about at least a dozen other chamberings, but this is a good balance of power and recoil.

I own other guns including a dozen levers in various calibers. I like em a lot, but from a practical standpoint they just aren't in the same league. I also own a few AR's. Fun rifles that serve a purpose, but most of the time I'm actually using a rifle it is for hunting.

I would not argue with jmr's experience.... truth.

Right now, I think my favorite rifle (and that's a tough choice) is the CZ 527 EEE (Ebony Exclusive Edition), in .223 Rem.

And yes, AR15s in lightweight config and low-recoiling rounds (.204 Ruger, 5.56x45, etc), sure are fun. But at the moment, don't have any ARs left.

Least favorite? Well obviously, I don't keep the ones I hate, but I can tell you, of what I still have, that I don't enjoy the recoil of the .50 cal ML or the .375 HH - I keep them because they serve a niche to extend the season or expand game choices (if I make it to Africa some day, which I plan to).

I have one that is not as accurate as it should be - the CZ 527 Varmint in .17 Hornady Hornet is only around 2.5 MOA with factory hornady ammo. So going to handloads with it, and bedding action. If it doesn't come down to 0.75 MOA or better (average of 5, 5-shot groups), it will be gone.
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My favorite is a Ruger no. 1 in .243. I like the looks, I like the feel, I like the recoil, and it is accurate. Out of all the rifles I've owned, this is the one I've kept.

I've always had a soft spot for my Thompson Center Hawken, but I don't really shoot it anymore....I may actually put it up for sale for a Kentucky long gun or something flint lock.
My favorite is my Springfield M1A. It is an excellent target gun, absolutely beautiful to look at, reliable/proven, fun to shoot due to the weight making it so smooth, my wife and daughter gave it to me for Christmas so there is sentimental value, and, if a 308 auto loader can't get it done then I probably don't want to play any more. I honestly don't have a least favorite.
I'm not super experienced with rifles but had a few.

The worst was a Mosin M38. One word...yikes.

My current favorite(s) are my twin CZ 527 carbines, x39 and 5.56. Handy, short, light, fully adjustable. I simply adore them.

My Garand is great too but boy does it eat powder and reloading components.:eek:
Hmmmm. I like 'em all, that's my problem.

I have owned my Mark X Mauser in 7X57 for 35 years, my Ruger 77 for about the same. Got into a serious smallbore habit years back, so right now my favorite is my Ruger 77/22 Target Grey. I like them kind of like Casanova liked his women: "When I am with one of them, each is my favorite at that time". I am building a DuMoulin Mauser 98 in 7X57, a true custom rifle, and that one will most likely be my go-to rifle for quite a few years.
Favorite? Definitely my M1A, though I am really loving my Tavor and .450 Bushmaster right now.

Least favorite? I had a Savage 111 in .30-06 that for some reason was super punishing to shoot. It shot really well, but hurt.

Most missed? Probably my Marlin 336 in .35 Remington setup with a forward mounted scope or my Ruger GSR. I only got rid of the Marlin to standardize ammo as I don't hand load.
Favorite at this time--Ruger Hawkeye Predator in .204 Ruger. Has a sweet trigger, is really accurate for varmints and prairie dogs, hardly any recoil. Just a pleasure to shoot (which is too bad because it has nearly 2000 rounds through the pipe in under 2 years, so it may need a new barrel sooner rather than later.)

Least favorite ever--Remington 750 synthetic in .270. Something was dreadfully messed up as it would never shoot to the same point of aim from range trip to range trip. Very frustrating, and finally got rid of it.
In order (definitely not all guns owned, just my shooters):

1. Ruger 77 Ultralight in .250 Savage.
2. Ruger #1 in .45-70
3. Winchester Featherweight in 7mm
4. S & W Model 19 nickel-plated .357
Don't care for those little bullet shooters really. Carried one around for 6 years was enough. But do have a number of different medium bore calibers to use. I too happen the have a couple Rem Mtn rifles OP {270-25-06} for my stand shooting preference. Both Mtn rifles have cheaters mounted {Leupold Vari-X 3s} Winchesters & Marlin levers are simply safe queens here. Only shoot'in they see is target paper.
Honestly I prefer a old 300 Savage carbine having factory barrel sights for my walk-about rifle. My 300 Savage. She ain't the prettiest gun in the woods. But it sure does shoot good especially on those deer that see me first before me eyeballing them. Snap shooting is a must do under that circumstance and the 300 is far & away the best rifle to have in hand for that purpose.
To the original question of favorite (and not so much) rifles, I would have to say it depends on the situation. I have different ones for different categories (hunt, target, plinking, defense, attractiveness, etc.). It is difficult to name just one as an all-purpose that I really like. In trying to name just one, I would have to say my current one would probably be a tossup between the Ruger M77/357 and the Ruger Predator Compact in .308 Win. They do have cross over, of course, but I use them for different applications. Honorable mention would have to be the Marlin lever guns in any caliber.

As far as least favorite (or not so much), I have a few military surplus rifles, and I just have a hard time getting them out and using them. I don't really care for any aspect of them.