
Some of the altered photos are very crude and obvious to most people. The bloggers are looking at every photo coming out of Lebanon . It's not just Reuters that published them and not just one photographer involved . The list gets longer and longer. :rolleyes:
You mean that picture of Laurel and Hardy lending moral support in a visit to the head of Hezbollah might have been faked?

I'm shocked.
MoW , You know Military Actions are ugly enough, but to stage things just for the sake of Media Impact is uterally shamfull, This conflict was started by Iran, oechastrated by Hezbollah, and the whole world is aware of this, and yet they still think Israel went overboard in their response to the Rocket attacks on the inocent people of Israel, I just don't understand it, nor do I understand why the world Hates the Jews, What did I miss here, this hatread has been going on for a very long time, what are they guilty of maybe I should be a JEW HATER too but I would at least like to know at least why?
Did you see the 1 that was exposed by Tucker on MSNBC? The picture showed a man carrying a dead little girl in his arms(not blurred). It was accompanied by them stating that the girl was killed by an Israeli bomb attack. The picture was distributed throught the Middle East and caused outrage. Come to find out, the girl died after an accident on the playground and had nothing to do with the bombing--tragic but not the same effect for Hezbollah!:mad:
Have to agree with Kelly here. What is it about Jews that slimeball Muslims hate them? They've been picked on for 2000 years, can anyone tell me why? Jews have given us art, music, and science. Muslims have given us,...uh,...well...ok, nothing but trouble. So what's the problem? I guess I just don't get it.:confused:
And the arab development in the sciences ended in 1200 when the muslim fanatics took over the religion !!!
a few things.


It is truethat
And Muslims gave the western world the foundation of the Renaissance, including advanced mathematics, sciences, etc.

but that was hundreds of years ago, of late they (as a whole) have provided very little to socieity aside from violence and backwardness. 1.3billion muslims in the entire world and there are less books printed in arabic than the total number of the books printed in spain. I like this fact because it reflects the attitude of the muslim world today.

You all should watch this slide show about the photofraud and staged photos very good video.


I don't know what we did to piss eveyone off, but they hate us, Its not just in israel, its all over the world. I et screamed at on campus every now and then, but you get used to it.

I always find it appropos to quote Golda Meyer: "there will be no peace until the arabs love their children more than they hate the Jews."
(Crash ! Bang ! Boom !) Sounds of this thread spiraling into oblivion.

Staged and altered pics are BS, I agree. War is terrible enough without some fauxtographers doctoring things up for effect. Now that people are starting to question the media, maybe things will change. However, arguing about Jews and Muslims and their contributions to society will get us nowhere.
VUPDblue said:
...arguing about Jews and Muslims and their contributions to society will get us nowhere.
Thanks for pointing that out, blue.

Actually, it'll get this thread closed. No more broad brush painting, please.

We've known for years that the Islamists are masters at manipulating the media.
However, as we now see, maybe it doesn't really take all that much skill after all.
1.3billion muslims in the entire world and there are less books printed in arabic than the total number of the books printed in spain. I like this fact because it reflects the attitude of the muslim world today.
Really?!? Or does it reflect the fact that only about 15% of Muslims are Arabic? I'm also curious, is are those books in national and literary Arabic, or just literary?

Judging all Muslims (most of whom are Asian by the way) by the actions of a very violent, but tiny minority is akin to judging all gun owners by the actions of a few gun toting gang-bangers in East LA.

We've known for years that the Islamists are masters at manipulating the media
And you are right that it is the Islamists, NOT the Muslims. Propaganda is a major part of any war and the part we're losing. Showing the devastation in Lebanon makes better copy (especially if you "enhance" the photos for more effect) than the relatively minor damage caused by Hizbullah rockets in Haifa. The world ignores the fact that these bastards have no problem using their own people as human shields even as they indiscriminately launch rockets at the Israeli civilian population.

There was a great editorial cartoon in the Green Bay paper right after this thing started. The caption read "After we finally made It a parking lot". The picture shows a huge parking lot all marked off in neat white lines. And in the middle of the lot are 3 cars, all trying to get into the same spot, the drivers screaming "It's Mine! This is MY spot! I saw it first!" the cars are Hizbullah, Hamas, and Israel. I wish I would have saved it. :mad: