Fatwa issued soon for Chris Muir

I have mixed feelings over this one.

By background, I'm an ordained Southern Baptist preacher. I'm also a federal lawman. Politically, I'm a strict Constitutionalist.

This cartoon is in somewhat bad taste. I object to offending anyone without some over-riding and inescapable reason. If the cartoon had been a picture of Jesus on a pig's body, I would be somewhat more offended, to be honest.

This commedienne who made the vulgar comment about Jesus at some award show - can't recall her name - is also guilty of bad taste and intention offense. I heard several objections to what she said, and calls for an apology, but I don't recall any contracts put out for her head. In fact, I'd bet more Christians are praying for her soul than demanding her tongue cut out.

I like Day By Day. I will continue to read it. And, I'm waiting for the death threats.

And yeah, I think Mr. Muir has some sand.
Meh, who hasn't had a Fatwa issued against them. My Co-worker had one declared against him when he worked at Best Buy. (No I am not making this up.)

He would not bargain a lower price with the customer over a very expensive digital camera. (Not like he could have anyway.) The customer was extremely offended that we didn't honor his culture or something like that. My co-worker had him kicked out of the store.
Meh, who hasn't had a Fatwa issued against them.

Well, technically, nobody in the US. In 1998 Osama Bin Laden issued a fatwa calling for the death of every (or maybe "any" would be more appropriate) American or ally of America.

But yeah, bad taste first amendment blah blah blah. I fully support Muir's right to offend people, and I sincerely hope nothing comes of this. It's unlikely, but considering what has happened in the past (for instance, with Theo van Gogh) it's not outside the realm of possibility.

Sounds like overweight whining.

As I see it, the whole problem with Muslim extremists is they are Sooooo thin skinned. Anyone who disagrees with them should be killed. Anyone who offends them should be killed. Etc., etc., etc.

Perhaps it is time to return to another ancient religious tenent, an eye for an eye!
Some people just have no sense of humor at all...


(That's in London, there, after the cartoons.)
Archie said:
I'm a strict Constitutionalist. This cartoon is in somewhat bad taste.

I'm also a strict Constitutionalist. For me this is kind of a non-starter as a debating point.

As for a fatwa, haven't we also initiated one ipso facto? I mean, if I saw Osama bin Laden checking out the new Fat Boys at my local bike shop, I'd dust him.

This entire jihad thing is a yawn for me. How many times can a culture, militant group, Kiwanis club, girlie sleep-over or Star Trek clan threaten to kill us before the word 'mundane' starts to roll off our lips?

Heck, I'll bet several TFL members want to knock me around. Get in line.

For those of you who aren't South Park fans... This was from of an episode making a really good point.

The episode was about a TV show (Family Guy to be specific) wanting to show an image of Muhammad just being a regular guy, nothing obscene or offensive. The network in South Park didn't want to air it, but finally decided to. The incredible part is that Comedy Central REFUSED to show the scene and made the creators of South Park censor it.

The episode ended with the Muslims retaliating against the US by showing a video of Jesus Christ defecating on the President of the United States and the American flag... Comedy Central did not censor that.