Father's Day Memories


New member
On this Father's Day I was curious if anyone had a funny or serious firearm related story involving their father? I'll start:

With my 14th Birthday rapidly approaching, instead of always borrowing one of his, I asked my Dad for my own shotgun to hunt with. My Dad was a gun guy so I didn't really tell him a particular model or anything and figured he would know what was best. On the morning of my Birthday, I was giddy with excitement, wondering what he had gotten me.

I walked into the kitchen expecting a new shotgun to be laying on the table, or perhaps a box in the corner. I was bummed when there wasn't anything at all. After a half hour of watching me mope around Dad finally said go pick one out, as in pick one out of his collection. I had been reading all of my Dad's gun magazines and watched what he bought at the gun shows so naturally I picked out one of his Winchester Model 12's.

Upon see me walk back into the kitchen with one of his Model 12's, he quickly said, "No, you don't want that one", took the Model 12 and walked out of the kitchen, leaving me really bummed. Dad soon walked back in with a used Remington 870 and told me that, "this is what I wanted". I got to be a decent shot with that 870 and I still have it, and now the Model 12 as well.

I still smile when I think of that day and how happy I was when he handed me my first gun. I imagine what was even funnier was watching a gangly, skinny teenager walking thru the cornfields with an 870 that had a 30 inch, full choke barrel! :)

I've got a bunch but will relate this one first. I was 12 yrs old and reading everything I could get my hands on regards hunting and shooting. A new rifle/ cartridge combo caught my eye, the Remington 581 chambered in the 5mm Rem Rimfire Magnum. I'd been woodchuck hunting with a .22 lr single shot received some years before and the 5mm RFM seemed the next step up. When I mentioned it to my Dad, he was less than enthusiastic He'd "killed a bunch with nothing more than a .22 when he was a kid" and I figured that was the end of it.

Christmas morning there was a note under the tree "go look in the hall closet". There, another note "in the spare bedroom", then another, "behind the dryer in the basement". In the cellar was a Rem gunbox and within, a 581/5mm! Four months later, as a birthday present, he scoped it with a 3x7 Bushnell Custom, a 7/8" twenty-two scope. I still have it, and about 1200 or so rounds of ammo. Rescoped it later myself with a 3x9x40 Banner and more recently, a TV screen vintage 2x7 Redfield. Last used the little rifle for nutria/beaver depredation on an infested spot at work. It was as deadly on them as it was on groundhogs 50 yrs ago.

Dad must have had a real chuckle setting up that Christmas morning.
I have been honored to be promoted to Step Dad as my now son has decided that is where I belong in his world. Its an odd feeling, my wife had told me he was out there but had never expected contact this late in life. I have a grand daughter as well. Whole new family added and great folks.

I can't say I have any specific memories other than my Dad had a 38 special, my mom had a 22 pump and we would go down to the local dump (ahem) and shoot cans and such. My dad passed when he was much too young, but he and my mom left a good legacy and foundation and all their boys have done good. Mom is still alive.