Fathers Day at the range.


New member
OK, How many of you guys were lucky enough to spend some time today shooting with your kids? Mine are 4 & 7 and we went to a spot in the woods for some plinking. Believe it or not, my four year old boy actually lit off my .357 Blackhawk. Yeah, I helped a little but he did most of the holding. The seven year old girl likes my Ruger Mk1 and hit two soda cans on her own. As always, the wife out shot me.

Had a great time and just wanted to crow about my great kids on dads day. Thanks for listening.


I'm glad you spent your day with the family. My wife never had children. However, a friend of ours who is a foster parent and has adopted seven of her wards, encourages her children to call my wife and I Granmaw and Grandpa. It's neat. They're nice kids. We spent the afternoon at their house for a barbeque and swim party.

I hope to take the two oldest ones to the range to teach them marksmanship and safety soon.

Bruce Stanton
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Hey, guys ... no fair!!!

We don't get Father's Day until September ;)

Seriously, ain't it great to go shooting with kids?? Makes you realise there are some good things about growing old(er).


PS: Bruce: Well done ... Grandpa (and no, I'm not being sarcastic!)
Only makes sense, Bruce from West Oz. Everything down there's bass ackwards from us. When it's summer here, it's winter there. When it's daytime here, it's night time there. Only makes sense that the holidays and such would be backwards. ;) ;) ;)

Yep (sigh), you're right. Freezing cold here, more rain and thunderstorms predicted for tomorrow.

But, hey, I love those Maine Christmases ;) beats the he .... heck out of a full cooked Christmas dinner when it's 110 degrees F in the shade ... and there's no shade!

I too, spent time at the range, but since both my kids are now grown and out on their own, all I could do was remember the good days past.
I mentioned that Dad just got a S&W 66 (4" .357). We went to try it out.

Found out the "old man's" hands do not shake. He could blow away a 9" styrofoam plate at 75 ft, rapid fire. He *likes* wheelguns. He *likes* full-house .357, too.

Seems my mother just took a first aid class. My father is using her reasoning for taking it to suggest that she learn to shoot something potent, just in case. As a way to help it along, I gave her my S&W 17 (4" .22 from the late 60s...very nicely made, a design matching my father's .357). She was actually happy to have it, as it fit her hand well. Hmmmm...

That was a good day. Dragged in some caviar and a few symbolic presents, too -- I like being able to reverse the gift-giving roles with the parents. (Pity my bank account will reflect the two revolvers, the ammo, ear muffs, cleaning kits, cases, presentation grips...but it was worth it). Same evening we all saw a video tape of my grandmother talking about her life from about 1927 to 1950 -- great testimony in favor of staying armed and proficient.

Anyway...just wanted to share that pleasant experience.


PS: The range was *busy*. Had a nice earful on how American Heritage and shooting are important...from a girl in her early 20s...seems she dragged her whole family along and started them with a .22, opting for a compensated Glock (17? 35?) herself. Grins.
My range was WAY too crouded for hyper 7 year old twin boys. I spent an hour or so there. Then took the boys into the garage for "range time" with the pellet guns. A fun time had by all.

IDPA# A04739
It is long been a principal of ours that one is no more armed because he has possession of a firearm than he is a musician because he owns a piano. There is no point in having a gun if you are not capable of using it skillfully. - Jeff Cooper
I took my 14 year old daughter to the range to sight in a 4x12x50mm Scope and a Night Vision scope for my Flattop AR-15 (Darkman).

After she got done spotting for me I let her try her hand at it. Not bad for the first time she ever shot. Just before we left I let her touch a few rounds off through my 1911. She took the X out with the first three shots (beginners luck).

Next time we go I'll have her work on open sights with the AR and my wives 9minimum High-Power.

Schmit, GySgt, USMC(Ret)
NRA Life, Lodge 1201-UOSSS
"Si vis Pacem Para Bellum"