Fatherless Kids And Mass shooters

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New member
With all the ballyhoo about additional gun control and folks searching for "answers" hardly anyone wishes to discuss a primary factor in mass shooting; boys growing without fathers in the home.

Thanks to "no fault divorce " the US divorce rate overs around 50 percent. Many boys are growing up without fathers in their lives. Many, if not most, mass shooters grew up without fathers in the home. A boy without a father in the home is at great disadvantage.

When boys don’t have this model, they suffer. And when they suffer, society suffers. A majority of school shooters come from fatherless homes; and a study of older male shooters (think Steven Paddock of the Las Vegas massacre) produces similar results. Indeed, the consequences of fatherlessness are simply staggering.

While it is true that most of the recent mass shooters seem to have come from single parent homes, it doesn't follow that growing up without a father made them criminals.

Merely growing up without a father doesn't automatically make a young man/boy more inclined to commit murder/violence/crime.

My father's father was killed by the Japanese Army when he was just a small boy (5 or 6 I think). My father never committed an act of violent crime. he served honorably in the RoK Marines and later the U.S. Navy, then went on to become one of the most highly regarded radiologists in this country for more than three decades. None of his 5 brothers ever committed a crime violent or otherwise. Among them are two appellate judges, a brain surgeon, and a senior manager of ship construction for Hyundai.

I know at least a dozen men that came from single parent homes and none of them have ever shown a tendency towards violence.
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