Fastdraw questions


New member
I'd like to do some dryfire fastdraw just for fun. Could I get by with a stock gun if I dont fan it, or do I need a timed gun for thumbing also? I dont really want a 1000$ gun since I'm not going to compete. So how much modification would be required for a Ruger or Uberti to be safley dryfired without destroying the gun, and how much would it cost? Thanks
Ruger has that plastic ring that slips over the cylinder to show that it is empty. That doubles as a snap-cap. BTW, Ruger revolvers may be dried fired without fear of damaging them (so I've been told at the New Hampshire factory).
Thanks guys, but I was told you could damage the gun from cocking it so fast so hard over and over and that you need a timing job. Is this just for fanners?