Fast Hog Double with Running In-The-Ear Snapshot

I hunted this spot on the previous night and had killed one sow and the rest of her sounder ran into the brush. As I expected there was livestock in the pasture, I could not fire into the brush after the runners, even if I had a decent shot. I just didn't know what was behind them.

Later, another sounder showed up and then was scared off when coyotes opened up with yipping and howling nearby. So I returned in hopes of encountering either one of the sounders again.

I arrived early, found my previous kill, scouted the area in daylight to determine what would be safe shooting lanes given the vegetation, and then set up at the treeline on the opposite side of the clearing, just down wind of a dead cow (cover scent, LOL).

Given the small clearing and access to dense brush, this wasn't ever going to be a situation where I could take out very many hogs. I knew from the previous night that both groups of hogs returned from whence they came when taking flight. So when hogs came out this time, I chose to shoot the following sow with hopes that the leading sow would cross my field of fire before regaining shelter in the thick brush. This time, the plan worked out well...
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