Fast Food Dilemma


This scenario is based on something that could have gone down today.

You're at your favorite fast food place getting ready to gulp down the latest artery clogger when you notice a heavy set man moving in a beeline straight to the cashier with his right hand at his hip under a loose fitting Hawaiian shirt. He has a brown bag in his left hand.
You do a quick glance around to get a sitrep on your options.

You have your kid with you...get out of Dodge.
You have your cell phone, "possible" BG is 7 feet away from you within eyesight, though, so you don't want to take your chances.

Out of the corner of your eye, you see "furtive movement" a young man about the age of the man at the front counter has a brown bag on his lap and his hand is in between his legs...he's acting antsy. His eyes are all over the place, looking nervously out the windows. Trouble is, he is at your 5 o' at cashier's is at your 1.

Exits are at your 3,6, &10.

You have your CCW, what do you do?
Get your kid out of the resteraunt or under the table. After that, don't do anything until you are sure of what is happening.
All the McDonald's' near my home serve food in brown bags. Is the heavyset man reaching for his wallet? Is his friend picking a french fry from between his legs, or scratching his crotch? I'd keep an eye on both for a moment, but I wouldn't go code red.
Roger that. Also pay attention to your radar. Mine warns me when girlfriend's mom is coming home early :o (ancient history), so I'm fairly certain it'll go off at armed robbery.
Get out in the fastest, safest and most quietest way. If it goes down, be away from the event, use your cellphone to call police when in a safe place.

You owe a responsibility to self & loved-ones first. The firearm you carry is a big responisbility in itself, and one for use when in mortal danger. You have a responsibility to remove yourself from danger if that is possible.

Let the police handle the crime.
Well whenever possible I try to keep my back to the wall. Failing that sit so that people have to walk right past you to get behind you, that way at least if you pay attention you know who is behind you. You should also have your exscape routes planned in the first few moments that you walk in someplace.

If both of your exscape routes become blocked or obstructed by barriors or possible Goblins then it is time to take action [not saying time to shoot but time to displace, develope new egress route, etc]. Waiting for the box to be sealed is foolish.

How old is the kid? How real does a threat seem/feel?
The younger the child and the more real the threat felt the quicker I would exit.