Fast and Furious, the sub title doesn't seem to fit


New member
Just finished the above mentioned title. Having a copy write date of 2012, the book might be somewhat dated, though Obama is still in office, and it appears that the coverup the of the criminality that is and was Operation Fast and Furious carries on, the operators thereof standing unpunished. Have readers here been in touch with their U.S. Senators and Congressmen/women re their concerns with and or about the screw-up that was, is and remains, Operation Fast and Furious? If not, why? If moderators feel the foregoing is not a good fit here, feel free to relocate my comments. Please advise though.

The subtitle, appearing on the book jacket is, Barack Obama's Bloodiest Scandal And It's Shameless Cover-Up. As I said,I didn't think the sub title would fit in the allotted space.
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I've deleted a couple of posts. I'm not sure there's much to say about F&F at this point, but if there is, let's stick with that.
Evan Thomas:

If I may,I will differ with you,for I submit that there is, and will remain,a great deal to be said, and done about F & F.Unfortunately, what needs to be said,and more important needs to be done might well remain within the bounds of things that needed to be done, but weren't, this last striking me as one hell of an indictment of our government. That of course, is simply my take on the thing, and what the hell do retired Piping Designers know of such things.
Evan Thomas:

Looking at some other comments,I wonder as to the following. We have a 2 party political system in this country. Possibly, were it a 3 party system, we might achieve a better result. Will view the linked material in a moment.
Evan Thomas:
Reading the N.Y.Post article, the following comes to mind.

1.Re those oh so conveniently "redacted" documents, think the ruling judge could have demanded and gotten said documents, in their entirety? If he or she could have, why didn't he or she so demand? Curious, I would say.

2. Then, or so it seems to me, that the potential for jailing some individuals for contempt of court, failure to produce what the court ordered, looms large, leaving one wondering as to why it hasn't been utilized.

Also, and I've mentioned this elsewhere, we have a 2 party political system in this country.Think a 3 party system might have made the ongoing cover-up more problematic?
I'd settle for a TRUE 2 party system.As Carroll Quigley wrote in his book "Tragedy and Hope", to paraphrase, "There's not a dimes worth of difference between the two parties".