Fascism Doomsday Clock

Jeff Thomas

New member
Remember the doomsday clock, used by concerned scientists to estimate the risk of nuclear war? Perhaps we need a doomsday clock for fascism.

Per Webster's: 'fascism - n. A governmental system marked by a centralized dictatorship, stringent socioeconomic controls, and often belligerent nationalism.'

Well, the 'centralized dictatorship' is not technically met, but the closer the Republicans and Democrats become, the more the system appears to simply be the tyranny of the majority, with support of indistinct choices. Besides, Hitler originally came to power via the ballot box.

'Stringent socioeconomic controls'? Well, to some we are just evolving logical, and reasonable controls, such as 'gun control'. However, to most of us on this board, this criterion is clearly met already - we're just working out the details. Having these controls imposed by 'elected' officials does not make the experience more palatable.

'Belligerent nationalism'? How about more and more control by national alliances, such as NATO and the UN? I don't think a single country needs to be the nationalistic force if we examine recent global behavior.

I tend more and more to brand some of what I see as 'fascism'. An overstatement, or an appropriate shock to those who think that 'fascism' died with Hitler and Mussolini?
How about the term Corporate Fascist-Stalinist System? This regime and its toadies the Congress and judicial branches surely exhibit elements of all three of the above descriptions. The big corporations have destroyed the small farmer and businessman in this country and work hand in hand with the Fascist types in our government. And this present regime has a leader that i believe is a pure Stalinist. Stalin and Klinton have a whole lot in common and once Bill gets his kingship ,he has the technology to rival or surpass Stalin in"the numbers game of brutality."
Fascism: A political philosophy, movement or regime that exalts nation and
often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized, autocratic
government headed by a dictatorial leader. Severe economic and social
regimentation and forcible suppression of opposition.

Oligarchy: 1) a government of the few. 2) a government in which a small
group exercises control, especially for corrupt and selfish purposes...

Statism: concentration of economic controls and planning in the hands of a
highly centralized government.
We do not determine who runs for office. We get to vote from a slate given
to us by the political parties in power - the Republicans and Democrats.

These two parties are closer to each other than to the people. They are few.
They are a small group compared to the population of America. They
exercise control - excessive control - unconstitutional control. They enter
office relatively poor and beholden to various behind-the-scene powers.
They retire as millionaires. They are corrupt. They are selfish.

Their little pillowfights notwithstanding, they compromise into agreement on
most political and economic issues.

Your Honor,
I have proven that the Republicans and Democrats fulfill the dictionary
definition of an oligarchy. Newspaper reports prove daily that these two
dominant American parties are closer to each other than to their electorate.
Together, these two parties control America. Therefore they are statists in
an oligarchy.

If the current regime refuses to hold elections, and/or refuses to leave office,
then they accurately could be called fascists. At this point, however, though
the small group of rulers in our country indicates we are an oligarchy, it is
only the apparent hopes and dreams of the current President to achieve a
fascist state.

The prosecution rests.

[This message has been edited by Dennis (edited August 24, 1999).]