FAS Rules of Engagement

Marty Hayes

New member
The following rules to score and judge a tactical handgun match were borne out of the experiences of several top notch tacticians, people who have BTDT. They are not perfect, but after using them for 2-3 years, they seem to work.


F.A.S. Tactical Matches---Rules of Engagement

Mission Statement: F.A.S. Tactical Matches are held for the education and enjoyment of the participants. They will consist of several scenario-type stages of fire, designed to depict real life or potential deadly force encounters, along with shooting exercises designed to test self-defense skills with firearms. The discipline of self-defense with firearms is one in which valid survival tactics and techniques are coming to light as an on-going process. We hope to fuel that process through critical thinking, experimentation and valid research. The shooter is encouraged to respond to the scenarios as close to real-life as possible, and to give match directors and range officers critical feedback when appropriate. THIS IS NOT A SPORT, and should not be treated as such. There is no division of equipment or classification of shooters. We hope that you will participate to learn, enjoy and help us all develop good self-defense skills. Unless otherwise indicated for a specific scenario, the following rules of engagement are in effect. The match director has the right to modify or change these rules to fit a particular scenario.

SCORING: All stages will be scored on a Pass/Fail basis. If a shooter commits a tactical error that could get himself or someone else killed, he fails the stage. Examples of tactical errors include:

1) Exposure to hostile targets. Shooter allows himself to be exposed to any hostile target for longer than 2 seconds without first engaging that target. When using cover, the R-O will be the judge on whether or not you are using cover effectively. You may only expose that portion of your body necessary for you to neutralize that particular target. If not, he will stop you, assess the penalty, and then allow you to proceed and finish the stage. This penalty shall be assessed anytime the shooter allows this exposure WHEN there is available cover to use.

2) Improper tactical engagement: Shooter does not engage an array of targets in good tactical order. An example of improper tactical engagement might be facing 3 targets, one at 3 yards, one at 5 yards, and one at 7 yards. All other things being equal, the target at 3 yards should be engaged first.

3) Failure to neutralize target. It is widely known that handguns, while portable, are not very effective neutralizers. Consequently, we have devised a system for judging hits that we think closely reflects what is good tactical practice. Based on a 10-point A-zone of an IPSC target, (10 points also for a B-zone, 5-points for a C-zone, and 2 points for a D-zone) at least 20 points is required to neutralize any paper target that is engaged as a single target. When facing multiple targets which must be engaged in the same shooting flurry, 10 points is required to neutralize each target. Reactive targets such as steel plates or Reactive Teds must fall to be neutralized.

4) Engaging a no-shoot target. Shooter attempts to shoot a no-shoot target, whether he hits it or not.

5) Failure to verbalize/negotiate: On any stage which clearly depicts a hostage situation, or a situation where verbal skills outweigh shooting skills, if the shooter fails to make a good faith attempt at negotiating the release of the hostage or resolve the situation verbally, then he fails.

6) Too close to targets. Shooter allows himself to get within arms reach of any target not neutralized,.

7) Match disqualification: Failure to follow the established scenario for any stage shall result in match disqualification. An example of this would be in a rescue scenario, purposefully leaving the hostage behind to allow a faster time. You HAVE to follow the scenario. (NOTE: If shooter finds a better way to solve the problem than the stage designer intended, and can convince the match director that he "did it better", then shooter shall receive no penalty for doing such.

Equipment guidlines and miscellaneous procedures:

Firearms: Any self-defense handgun, .380 caliber or larger, without add-on compensators or optical sights are allowed. If an internal compensator is used, it shall not modify the gun to the extent of changing it's original factory dimensions. If rifles or shotguns are called for in a match, they too shall be of a type consistent with normal self-defense or law enforcement application. No external compensators or optics allowed on shotguns, rifles are pretty much personal preference, due to the vast array of rifles and scopes available. If a back-up gun is carried, it should meet the above criteria also. Exceptions to the above are made on a case-by-case basis.

Holsters: Only self-defense/concealed carry/duty holsters are allowed. They should be of a type that would allow day-long concealed carry or duty use.

Magazines. Only 1 extra double stack magazine,(or two if on a L.E. duty belt), or 2 extra single stack magazines or speedloaders are allowed to be carried on the shooter's person. No additional magazines are allowed for any back-up gun. No stage shall be designed to require more than 10 shots, so unless you are a real crummy shot, it shouldn't matter.

Targets used: Primarily, targets shall be either steel knockdown, cardboard IDPA or IPSC targets, Reactive Teds (dummy targets), or cartoon targets depicting good-guy/bad-guy identification problems, or a combination of these targets. Other targets may also be used from time-to-time, and shall be specified in the stage description. ALL shoot targets shall be identified as such, either in the stage description, or by physical identification, such as a picture of a gun, a word, or some other obvious identification. Any target not identified as a shoot target is automatically considered a no-shoot target. Pay attention to the stage descriptions.

Revised May, 1999, By R. Dane Burns and Marty Hayes
When will this shoot take place? Is it on your web site schedule?

I like the way the R.O.E. conform to the K.I.S.S. method.
There was a group who started something like this a few years ago. Here is the website:


It doesn't look like anything came of it, but it sure seems like an interesting concept!
Please post any additional info.

Neil Casper