fanny pack type holsters, whats your favorite?

I have the BlackHawk 5-5-10 and really like it . Give Geri a call at Geared up and she will fix you up with one . Their medium size is perfect for a Glock 19 size weapon . Good luck , Mike...
Depends on when you'll be using it, what activities, etc. I have several for different situations. My favorite for heavy-duty use is the Blackhawk. Take a look at their web site, their products are great quality. But it's a little large for jogging or outdoor light activity. For that I like the Coronado leather packs. I actually keep my Kimber Ultra Elite in the truck for mobile carry in the center console in a black leather Coronado. If you're going to be out in rainy weather or want a lighter-weight to jog, go with their nylon model. Get one with elastic holder for extra clip, and don't scrimp on the qualtiy. Hope you never have to, but the one time you may need it, make sure it performs for you. The gun and the holster are the tools that stand between you and max response. Hope this helps.

"I love to do things that scare me, for without fear there is no courage..."
I like the Uncle Mike's, because it looks least like a holster. I bought one that matched the colors of a local sports team, and sewed one of their logos on it; very low profile. Accessibility is not a strong point, but then I went with the smallest one that would accommodate my gun. The only thing about fanny packs that "screams gun" is the fact that a lot of them are as big as small back packs.