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Some of you may know this, but in real life I'm Mike Beliveau. I'm the Black Powder editor of "Guns of the Old West" magazine...I also write a reloading column for "Combat Handguns" magazine.

I started a fan page on Facebook. It has lot's of pictures loaded from my magazine articles and I'm putting up more content all the time.

If you're on Facebook, and you like the mag, stop by and check out the page.
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That is so awesome! I read every single edition of Guns of the Old West.

Wood and steel and leather is the true way to ride. I've never been tempted to read those mall ninja publications that every armchair tactical operator gobbles up:eek:;)
Guns of the Old West is the only gun rag I bother to read anymore.

Me too. It seems like most other firearms magazines are now written by video-game nerds. The AR-15 articles? Oh boy! Can you say FANBOYS???:eek: