Fan mail, of sorts

cornered rat

Date: Tue, 08 Jun 1999 10:29:35 -0700
From: Robert Pritchard <>
Subject: Guns 'n' Nutters

Dear Fruit Loop

Its good to see that in these enlightend days you're still a mad, gun toting,
redneck fool who probably thinks wearing a white hood and burning 'niggers' is
the height of popular entertainment.

The best thing that can be said about you bunch of trigger happy morons is that
you're a long way from here, something for which saner nations are very

Still ,as long as you are keeping yourself busy having sex with close
relatives, sitting on your porch chewing straw, running moonshine and taking
pot shots at varmits I suppose the rest of the intelligent world needn't worry
to much.

All the best

Hmmmm, what was that about bigotry?

Cornered Rat Updated March 20
"Disarm, then past the barbed wire, into the oven and out of the smoke-stack..."
Guess this yahoo didn't read your bio, eh?

(Coming this fall, from Activision: Russian Redneck Rampage!)

"America is at that awkward stage.
It's too late to work within the system,
but too early to start shooting the bastards."
--Claire Wolfe
Hey Rat...

Where is this guy from? Doesn't sound like he is in the States. Wonder if he is in one of those enlightened countries that needed assistance from the "redneck morons" to save their collective bacon?

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
Another personal attack when a decent argument can't be formulated.

I think Freud would like to have a few words with Rob about his own incestuous tendencies.

This guy must watch a lot of American TV.
Rat, I didn't know that there was such a thing as a Russian Redneck. Do they make such
a thing?

My longhair can't cover up my redneck......

fiat justitia
Russian Rednecks do exist...some even here. But I, a poor pale thing, am not worthy of being called one.

Looks like DC guessed the country of origin right...something in a similar style showed up in my mailbox today.


The 'some reason' with which you refer to for banning guns is that they kill

Why no one in your god-forsaken country would help someone in trouble is
because they're likely to be shot by some redneck like yourself.

If there were no firearms on the street the NYPD would have no excuse for
shooting unarmed 'niggers' 76 times (reloading several times) in case the
corpse bit their ankles

The reason that Americans shouldn't be trusted with arms is demonstrated by
insular, inbred individuals like yourself.

As for national security; 1939 was before nuclear weapons you dim witted straw
sucking **** for brains ****. Did you ever go to shool? Do you think Cuba's
not going to invade you because some red neck is packing an AK47?

For ****'s sake, read some books you twat. Or maybe you can't, perhaps you had
to dictate your ****ty web page.

No regards,

While this is entertaining, consider what kind of fan mail HCI would have got, had they provided an email address...I'd guess more angry yet more polite.
I really do not think it is worth the trouble...and might encourage them (ot his, looks like a single monkey with multiple email addresses)

Robert Pritchard
[wrote Guns and Nutters)


johdr watsai
(today's untitled)

[This message has been edited by cornered rat (edited June 09, 1999).]
I agree with BAB, Rat...

Show the e-mail addresses. As well, send a complaint and the message to ""

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
Well, CR, I guess the good news is that your pro-gun site is so powerful and comprehensive that these "fans" of yours can't come up with any substantive criticisms. The only coherent themes in the second fan letter (there weren't any in the first) are:
1) The NYPD misbehaves because of the American gun culture. Yeah, firearms prohibition has worked real well in NY, DC, and Chicago. It's pure coincidence that "strict gun control" and "corrupt police" track each other city-by-city.
2) Being a firearms enthusiast is clear proof that you shouldn't be allowed to own a weapon. Yep, this dude is the absolute king of circular reasoning.
3) Small arms are obsolete in modern
warfare. That's not exactly the conclusion reached on the battlefields of Vietnam, Korea, Afghanistan, Somalia, Stalingrad, is it?

BTW, isn't a Russian Redneck a shot of vodka in a can of Bud?
What popular individuals you guys are!

I need to brush up on my ability to raise the blood pressure of people like this so that I can be so lucky as to receive this kind of mail. Is there a school or correspondence course that you can recommend so that I can rise to the heights that you have risen? Maybe it is the subject matter that I write about? Could be that I am to much of a nice guy...

I need to get more aggressive in my writings so that I too can bring out the "best" in people....

All kidding aside, I'd stand beside you guys anywhere at anytime, because patriotic you are and that is good enough for me.

To own firearms is to affirm that freedom and liberty are not gifts from the state.
I just noticed that Mr. Pritchard's e-mail address is telling
thanks CR. once again i learned something i didn't know on here. i guess i've never thought about a Russian Redneck, but now that you explained it, i can see how it could be.
Now let me go shoo' them dang chickens out from under the house, and kick the pig outta' my chair.

fiat justitia
Cornered Rat:

I find those e-mails to you particularly offensive, and have difficulty NOT becoming personally insulted (by association, I guess).

I tote a gun, but:

I've never been to a hood-wearing event, and would probably shoot the fools if they ever showed up in my neighborhood.

I'm very glad to be a long way from wherever such sheep are. My ancestors (at least those who were already here) helped fight a revolution so we would NOT be like Europe and the rest of the world.

I've never had sex with a close relative, unless you count my wife. Oh yeah, we *do* share some common ancestor by marriage from about 1890. Kissed one cousin a lot for about a week one summer though...

My stupid "modern" house has no porch.

I don't chew straw.

I neither drink any alcohol nor participate in trading or "running" it.

And I thought shooting varmints was good for protecting the crops. Is it somehow worse if it's a "pot shot?" Exactly what is a "pot shot" to your writer?

FWIW, some of my ancestors were also run out of their abodes by intolerant, ignorant holier-than-thou moralizers like your e-mail correspondent.

I concluded in the early '80s that gun control causes crime.

New mantra for the next decade of heckling:

"Can you name one city or country in this world which has LOWERED its crime rate by using gun control?"

Yeah, try Britain. They achieved peaceable status FIRST through cultural refinement. No need for self-defense guns, so the very few evildoers using guns seemed like a good reason to severly restrict and register ownership.

And their crime rates had nowhere to go but UP since then!

You may even post this missive on your web site.

Let us never forget that the only legitimate source of government power is the citizens. If WE cannot exercise a certain power, we cannot grant it to the state.
Cornered Rat,
I echo one of the previous posts in that I also felt insulted (by association) by the comments in those two letters that you received. The first reaction I had was that if those comments were made to my FACE, there would be some Blood on the floor! I try to squelch those feelings, as we do try to live in a "polite" society. But the second reaction that I had was to be reminded of something I heard while listening to Limbaugh a while back. That was that you KNOW when you've won an arguement with a Liberal/Feminazi/Gun Control advocate/etc., it's when they start with the personal insults. So I (and you for that matter) can go to sleep tonight knowing that I have the moral upper hand, and that in the end, I'm the better person. Not only that, but I still have my firearms, and they DON'T!
Unkel Gilbey

Below is the Internic registration information for the domain FWIW. It is amazing how hateful his email is, can you post some of support for balance?

Deja News, Inc. (MY-DEJA2-DOM)
9430 Research Blvd, Echelon II, Suite 300
Austin, TX 78759

Domain Name: MY-DEJA.COM

Administrative Contact:
DNS Administrator, Deja News (DA5115-ORG) dnadmin@DEJANEWS.COM
Technical Contact, Zone Contact:
DNS Technician, Deja News (DA389-ORG) dntech@DEJANEWS.COM
Billing Contact:
Accounts Payable, Deja News (AP4214-ORG) dnacct@DEJANEWS.COM

Record last updated on 29-Apr-99.
Record created on 15-Apr-99.
Database last updated on 10-Jun-99 09:06:51 EDT.

Domain servers in listed order:

Come to think, I'm running typically one or two EMails a day from people interested in a California CCW and so far I've had *zero* flames.

Hmmmmm....puzzling. It *might* be because I've got so much in there on equal (gun) rights for minorities and even gays that they can't pin "redneck" on me?

I've had LOTS of fun with various true-blue liberals showing them the racial origins of gun control in general and CCW in particular. It's a "paradigm shift without a clutch", bigtime.

Jim March
Equal Rights for CCW Home Page
Isn't it cute how these neo-intelligent liberals stoop to racism, arguments ad hominum and simple name-calling when the chips are down?

I take some comfort in the thought that an *ss like this may be technically 'intelligent', but I doubt he has enough practical sense to prosper in life. Darwin's theory will take care of his ilk ...