FAL's: which manufacturer?


New member
This is a case of a guy who doesn't have the money right now looking to scope out prices and quality. I'd been looking at SA M1A's, but the FAL's and their variants have caught my eye. I understand, though, that there's a big difference in both price and quality in these rifles. Which is the best buy in terms of both quality and dollars?

Just to clarify: I can't stand a rifle that shoots 2 MOA. I can do that good with a custom benchrest rifle without any manufacturer defects. ;)
DSA Stg58A

The best buy in an FAL at this time is probably the DSA "Authentic Austrian" STG58A. DSA has let it be known that the dealer price on those is $795. DSA will let you pay them that price direct with your dealer's permission. So your total could be the 795+dealer's transfer fee+sales tax, if you have a friendly dealer.

I don't have an STG58A yet myself, darn it, so I can't give you a report from personal experience, but the people on the FAL Files have consistently reported that they're very nice.
I whould agree with the DRArms STG58A. I have a orignal FN-FAL Para and was at the range this weekend, the guy next to me had a STG58 from DSA. We got to talking and looking at each others FN and the groups they where puting out. Mine is scoped and was shooting about .75 moa at 100 with Federal Match ammo. His was open sighted and was shooting about 1.2 moa with surplus ammo. I gave him 5 Federal's to shoot ( I just had to see what it whould do) and he shoot just under 1 moa with a 5 round group. That is a hell of a lot better than I can shoot open sights.
If I did'nt have mine I whould order one up in a heart beat. I still might if I can get it by the wife.
Jpaul, will DSarms let you buy directly from them and just have the rifle shipped to your ffl, or does the ffl have to place the order?
I'm sure the DSA rifles are very nice, but if price is a big consideration, you might check out one of the Century FALs. I think you can get them for around $450 or so dealer. They seem to vary in quality, but I have one that looks pretty nice and works fine. Mine's on an Imbel receiver (good), and the STG-58 parts are in pretty good shape. The good thing about this option is that you may get a rifle you like from the get-go, but if not, you save enough money on the original purchase to pay for quite a few upgrades. Just an option to consider.

I called DS Arms, and they said that the FFL could send your payment, but had to agree that he was getting _something_ out of the deal, if even a $20 transfer fee.

Is there a significant difference between the STG58A and the pricier DSA FAL's? I know the $1700 ones have match barrels and better sights, but is it worth the difference in cost?

My friend has a Styer FAL with an Imbel receiver. The gun is as accurate as his M1A with Krieger barrel prepared by Fulton Armory which I think set him back $2000+. He is very pleased.

He found a lot of useful information on the FAL website.

Another rifle that I found interesting is a Russian VEPR .308 plus a decent scope for about $550.
STG58A versus SA58

I believe that DSA will make some changes to the Stg58A for "a modest fee," as they say. People have posted to FAL Files about getting a crowned muzzle with no brake, and also a different standard weight barrel, for examples. The idea I have is that if the change is easy they'd probably be willing to do it. It'd be worth asking, if a person wants a certain feature.

But if you want something like stainless steel parts, or an aluminum lower, or one of the heavy barrels, and major changes like that, I think you'd have to get the SA58. Of course I can't speak for DSA, so the only way you'd know for sure is to give them a call, but this is the impression I get.

As far as quality of assembly goes, I believe they're the same, between the SA58 and the STG, both high quality. And Steyr made good parts.

So I would say that unless you want the special features, the stainless steel etc. as mentioned, that the STG would be the way to go.