
Could someone tell me the difference between the FAL's I see for 599.00 and the ones for 1299.00? I thought this was discussed previously, but couldn't find it.
I got the chance to handle a friends FAL. He bought it complete for around 1400.00. It seems like a nice battle rifle, breaks down fast and easy. He also bought an FAL parts kit and is looking at a receiver from DSA or Enterprise. This seems like a less expensive way to go unless you need a gunsmith to put it together.
Thanks, Lou
Me thinks the cheaper ones are rebuilt from parts of scrapped service weapons and newly manufactured receivers and the more expensive are built new from the ground up for the civilian market. Then again, I could be wrong. Gentle members?
The cheap-o FALs are made with these horrendous looking receivers, albeit US made.
Do a search in the AR15.com discussion forums for more info.
Those really cheap FAL's are certainly made using imported parts kits and US made receivers. The ones you should avoid mix parts from metric, Israeli, and inch patterns.

Read the "which .308 rifle to buy" thread. The price of barreling a US made FAL receiver is only about $100 (mine was $75). Smiths usually charge $25 extra for Enterprise receivers. My receiver is by DSA and it looks and shoots very well.

Some of these parts kits are in very rough condition, so you want to check it out thoroughly. I had the guy at Enterprise go through about 10 kits before we found one that was in excellent shape (I was physically there).

Happiness is a warm FAL.

[This message has been edited by Destructo6 (edited April 25, 1999).]

[This message has been edited by Destructo6 (edited April 25, 1999).]
As stated in previous posts, the cheaper FALs are built from parts. The best "new" ones I know of are by DS arms. If you can find them, the semiauto only FALs made in Argentina are good guns, grouping very well with select loads. Hope this is of use.