I've got to put in a disagreement. WR, you are the first person I have ever heard of complain about the gas system. The trigger pull is heavy, but it can be lightened, but I will agree the M14 can have a better trigger. Reliability? The only FALs I've ever heard with reliability problems were the ones the Israelis used to try and replace the BAR. The gun was never designed to do that and of course failed. Nothing beats the BAR for that kind of work.
I have an inch tube (wow, don't read that the wrong way)
, it is a piece of cake to keep clean. Pop the top off, remove the plug and run a rag down it a couple of times. I do not even do this every time, just occasionaly after I shoot.
Hard to snap to the shoulder? about the same as any other pistol gripped weapon. Kind of like an AR15, only heavier.
Cold weather? Ask the Canadians how they liked their C1 for 30 years. Seemed to work just fine for them.
Scope mount, the original M14 mount is not the be all end all of scope mounting, thats why there are three generations of M14 mounts to work all of the shifting problems out. The DSA style mount is rock solid, and the one disadvantage is that you can't pull it off to clean the gun, but you can still clean the gun, just not as easily.
Speaking of cleaning, I can field strip my FAL in about 2 seconds, push a button, out pops the bolt, spray it with break cleaner, wipe it off and relube and you are good for about another 1000+ rounds.
You have to clean your M14 from the muzzle, bummer.
Don't get me wrong, I like both weapons. I just happen to like the FAL better, so I bought one of those first. But the M14 is a fine gun. And a point of interest, back in the day, M14 vs. FAL. Both were reliable, both passed the tests with flying colors. Most of the testers and infantry officers preffered the FAL, but the M14 won because it could be built using existing M1 Garand tooling.
And bringing up shoddily put together parts guns is a moot point, I've seen some Chinese M14 copies that were truly disgusting.
All fine weapons have their imitators.