My Fal is having some issues. It fires fine and is fairly accurate. The issue has just popped up. On the 5th shot it the case breaks compleatly in two parts. Had done it with both hornady 168gr amax and FGMM 168s any ideas why. I have adjusted the gas and cleaned the gas rod and system. Scrubbed the bore and chamber. Please help me if you can
I have not shot any of my FALs in 16 years, but I remember a little.
Building a FAL from a parts kit involves headspacing by grinding down a spacer ring. The barrel already has a chamber.

The things I would be looking for:
chamber size/shape
firing out of battery
I strongly recommend having the headspace checked before doing any more shooting. The FAL has a locking shoulder which is inserted into the receiver and is designed to be replaced to correct excess headspace. New locking shoulders are available (check www.gunpartscorp.com) and while replacing one is not beyond a DIY project, they do have to be fitted properly. Again I recommend having it done by someone with experience who has the gauges to do the job right.

Any other headspace issue indicators? Hard extractions, etc?
The other cases have stretch marks near the head?
Where'd you buy it? If it came from Century and it's worked fine for 14 years you've done well. They assemble FAL's and everything else out of parts bins with zero QC. FAL's with mixed inch and metric parts etc.