Fake Gun/Hunting Group Endorses Barack Obama


New member
FYI: Pennsylvania, which has the highest per capita NRA membership and with 21 electoral votes could make or break this election. It is currently leaning Obama.

Found this "American Hunters and Shooters Association" endorsement of Obama via Michelle Malkin

AHSA Endorses Obama, April 16, 2008

Obama: He "gets it"

Today, as President of the American Hunters and Shooters Association (AHSA), I announced our endorsement of Senator Barack Obama ... [snip]

Senator Obama has clearly demonstrated his commitment to the 2nd Amendment by his vote in support of the Vitter amendment to HR 5441, the Department of Homeland Security Appropriations bill of 2007. This amendment prevents the Government from confiscating guns in a time of crisis or emergency. Imagine how the citizens felt during Hurricane Katrina when government agents kicked in doors to confiscate law abiding citizens' guns at a time when they needed them the most. We know Senator Obama "gets it." To say that he is an elitist is patently ridiculous. To hunters and shooters everywhere, Senator Obama's vote demonstrated a fundamental understanding of the meaning of the 2nd Amendment which means he recognizes the individual right of all citizens to keep and bear arms. .....[snip]

The NRA fact sheet says otherwise (linky). The waybackmachine says this website is rather new and was founded in 2005. Just in time for one to start planning a presidential campaign. :-p

Heller vs DC was 5-4 and Heller still can't get a gun. Spread the word, the supreme court is too fragile.
A quote from Bill Clinton that shows that gun owners mean a lot: ''The fight for the assault-weapons ban cost 20 members their seats in Congress ... The N.R.A. is the reason the Republicans control the House.'' - NYT's

Clinton's quote shows that gun owners may be able to swing this election.
Check out their history:

And check out their board members:
Board Member Ray Schoenke has supported myriad liberal causes in recent years. He has made political contributions to Al Gore, Barbara Boxer, Bill Clinton, Dianne Feinstein, Ted Kennedy and John Kerry. In 2000, Schoenke donated $5,000 to Handgun Control, Inc. Contributions were also made to HCI by the Ray and Holly Schoenke Foundation, enough to earn him a slot as a major benefactor of the annual HCI fundraising dinner.

Board member John Rosenthal remains the leader of Stop Handgun Violence, the Massachusetts anti-gun group. He, too, is a former member of the HCI board of directors.


AHSA board member Joe Vince is a former BATF employee who made himself infamous as a key architect of the Clinton-Gore regulatory assault on the Second Amendment.
Doesn`t take a brain surgen to figure this one out considering Obama`s past voting record concerning guns and the second amendment. There are snakes in every organization and its up to the members to eleminate them.