Fake Gun/Hunting Group Endorses Barack Obama


New member
FYI: Pennsylvania, which has the highest per capita NRA membership and with 21 electoral votes could make or break this election. It is currently leaning Obama.

Found this "American Hunters and Shooters Association" endorsement of Obama via Michelle Malkin

AHSA Endorses Obama, April 16, 2008

Obama: He "gets it"

Today, as President of the American Hunters and Shooters Association (AHSA), I announced our endorsement of Senator Barack Obama ... [snip]

Senator Obama has clearly demonstrated his commitment to the 2nd Amendment by his vote in support of the Vitter amendment to HR 5441, the Department of Homeland Security Appropriations bill of 2007. This amendment prevents the Government from confiscating guns in a time of crisis or emergency. Imagine how the citizens felt during Hurricane Katrina when government agents kicked in doors to confiscate law abiding citizens' guns at a time when they needed them the most. We know Senator Obama "gets it." To say that he is an elitist is patently ridiculous. To hunters and shooters everywhere, Senator Obama's vote demonstrated a fundamental understanding of the meaning of the 2nd Amendment which means he recognizes the individual right of all citizens to keep and bear arms. .....[snip]

The NRA fact sheet says otherwise (linky). The waybackmachine says this website is rather new and was founded in 2005

Edit: meant to post it in "legal and political" here:

"Who we are" (from their site

"According to a 2003 Field & Stream National Hunting Survey, sportsmen overwhelmingly support reasonable gun safety proposals. Moreover, an overwhelming majority of hunters support proposals like background checks to purchase guns, keeping military style assault weapons off our streets and the elimination of cop killer bullets.

In recent years, extreme political positions purporting to support gun rights have jeopardized our sport and have hurt the image of responsible gun owners. Unless the sporting community can become unified behind an organization that fights for safe and responsible hunting and shooting practices and sensible gun ownership, future generations may be unable to participate in and enjoy the shooting sports."
Okay, state clearly how this is a fake group as your title states.

Is thier roster made up with names from the 1946 Yankees, is it made up strictly of little old ladies who live in Miami, FL who only hunt for fresh produce.

Why is the group fake?
It depends upon how you classify "fake", I guess. There was another group called AGS (Americans for Gun Safety) a few years back that was founded by a very anti gun guy. I can't recall his name. However, they tried to portray themselves as pro gun rights. Yet, all of their information and their website seemed to indicate they were more interested in gun control and registration.

I think the newest group, while claiming to be for gun rights, is all about the "sporting" arms routine. In other words, if a certain type of gun is not all that useful for hunting, it should be banned, severely restricted, or at least registered. These types of folks are supportive of a ban on assault weapons, one gun a month laws, national handgun registration, and a whole lot of other onerous gun controls. But as long as you can have your .22, deer rifle, or shotgun, they are fine with any other controls that the anti's can come up with to make it harder for law abiding citizens to own other types of firearms.
The group is fake because "sensible gun ownership" has been used for years as a eupemism for "gun control."

Go to the site and see if you agree. Maybe you'll want to join.:barf:
The group is basically a bunch of moles and Elmer Fudd elitists, who want to keep their expensive hunting guns, but don't think that anybody should own or use a gun for self-defense. They are either a bunch of moles, or they think that if they give up self-defense, then they will be allowed to own their double-barrelled shotguns and Griffen and Howe custom rifles for hunting.
Moreover, an overwhelming majority of hunters support proposals like background checks to purchase guns, keeping military style assault weapons off our streets and the elimination of cop killer bullets.
Which is funny, because pretty much every rifle suitable for hunting deer uses a cartridge capable of defeating police body armor.
Just as the liberals created Air America to compete with conservative talk radio, they create these "hunters and sportsmens" groups as an "alternative"
to the NRA. In the Bad Old Days of the Cold War the Kremlin would sponsor all
sorts of "front" organizations, taking great care that their titles had nothing that would indicate any connection to the Kremlin, they used names such as
"World Coalition of Peace Loving Forces", etc. Likewise they made sure that there were no references to Marx, Lenin, Engels, Stalin, etc. Air America billed itself as "progressive" talk radio and these pseudo sportsmens groups
always talk about "reasonable" regulations.
Okay, state clearly how this is a fake group as your title states.

Is thier roster made up with names from the 1946 Yankees, is it made up strictly of little old ladies who live in Miami, FL who only hunt for fresh produce.

Why is the group fake?

See below. John E. Rosenthal, the president of the AHSA foundation is one of the founding members of Stop Handgun Violence, an anti-Second Amendment organization in Massachusetts.
Also, it isnt in the article below, but a google search will turn it up, the president of AHSA, Ray Schoenke (not the same as the president of AHSA "foundation" above--so it's not a contradiction, it's sorta like the NRA, and the NRA-ILA thing), was a board member of the infamous anti-gun Joyce Foundation

See below. Also, do some google searching on the group and you will find LOTS more info on this.


Don’t be fooled by pictures of their leaders in camouflage or talks of their hunting trips. The leadership of AHSA has a long history of spitting on the Second Amendment. The leadership makes claims about conservation issues, yet they have not spent one dime on any conservation project in Ohio. Let’s take a look at their leadership:

Ray Schoenke, President of ASHA

Ray Schoenke played professional football, and was once a candidate for the Governor of Maryland. The AHSA web site states that he is a gun owner, hunter, and that he owns a 300-acre hunting preserve on Maryland’s Chesapeake Bay.

However, Schoenke has some skeletons in his closet. He has been a strong supporter of numerous anti-Second Amendment candidates. According to Gun Law News, Schoenke has made political donations to Diane Feinstein, Barbara Boxer, Al Gore, Bill Clinton, John Kerry, and Edward Kennedy.

Bob “Benedict Arnold” Ricker, Executive Director, AHSA

Bob “Benedict Arnold” Ricker once valiantly fought for our Second Amendment rights. The AHSA web site proudly discusses Ricker’s pro-Second Amendment activities. He served as the Assistant General Counsel for the NRA, and helped develop the California Rifle and Pistol Association’s legislative advocacy program. Early in his career, he made some positive contributions to the fight for our Second Amendment rights.

Ricker has since betrayed the NRA and the Second Amendment. Today, the AHSA web site proudly promotes that he negotiated an agreement between the Clinton administration and Smith and Wesson (S&W) concerning a voluntary child safety lock program.

The agreement was not just about trigger locks and serial numbers. It also would have severely limited gun sales, required mandatory skill testing prior to purchasing a gun, and required impractical changes to gun design. The agreement also pledged that licensed dealers would refrain from selling semi-automatic rifles, prohibit the sale of guns at gun shows that allow private sells, and require gun dealers to include anti-gun literature with every gun sale. The agreement created a huge controversy in the firearm industry and it eventually led to a boycott of S&W. S&W has since come to their senses, and the agreement is a dark spot in the history of a great company.

According to the NRA-ILA, Ricker has also lobbied to further increase gun regulation and to shut down gun shows. With “friends” like Ricker, we don’t need enemies.

John E. Rosenthal, President, AHSA Foundation

John E. Rosenthal is practically the male version of Sarah Brady. He is one of the founding members of Stop Handgun Violence, an anti-Second Amendment organization in Massachusetts. Stop Handgun Violence has played a role in making Massachusetts a gun-grabber’s paradise. Rosenthal is trying to use AHSA to spread his anti-gun views to other states.

Joseph J. Vince Jr., Board of Directors, AHSA

Joseph J. Vince Jr. retired from the BATFE and is an “expert” with Crime Gun Solutions. He helped write the analysis on the impact of the Clinton assault rifle ban that was used by the Brady Campaign and openly supported its reauthorization. Vince also signed a letter asking the senators to oppose the Protection of Lawful Commerce Act. You can view the letter here.

Jody Powell, Co-Chairman, AHSA Advisory Board

Jody Powell was President Jimmy Carter’s press secretary.

Considering who the leaders of AHSA are, Rebecca Peters from IANSA would be a perfect addition to their advisory board.

The true nature of AHSA may be old news, but most gun owners are unaware of their true nature. We often take what we know for granted, and assume that it’s common knowledge. It is important that we spread the word to prevent unsuspecting gun owners from falling into their trap. AHSA is trying to hide who they truly are until they are ready to strike. They are a perfect example of the phrase “A Wolf In Sheep’s Clothing.”
This is what I wanted.
John E. Rosenthal, the president of the AHSA foundation is one of the founding members of Stop Handgun Violence, an anti-Second Amendment organization in Massachusetts.

The group really is not fake just extremely misleading in its position and intent.

As many things on the internet let the buyer beware. Or in this case the reader beware.
Fake is a good enough word for me. Their declared intentions are fake.

Their idea of common sense restrictions is a place where you are permitted to own a double barrel shotgun and 1 box of birdshot ammo.

These liars are so determined to get the guns out of Mr. and Mrs. America's hands they'll do anything.

Their intense efforts say loud and clear, that whatever their ultimate political goal is, it requires Mr. and Mrs. America to be unable to fight back.

I hope everybody on this forum warns their friends about AHSA and anything like it.