Fair or not?

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New member
Do you think that its fair that as an 18 year old I'm not allowed to carry a concealed weapon or purchase a handgun even though I'm allowed to fight in the army and carry one on a regular basis? And also, do you think that colleges should let student with CCW permits to carry on school?
My preference in polite society would be to not have eighteen year olds carrying any more weapons than they already do.
Well, I think you'll stop worrying about what's "fair" as you get older and realize that fairness is an utterly fantastical notion, rather like unicorns.
Ok jim, the question isn't "is it constitutional or not" its is it fair or not and I don't remember anywhere in the constitution it saying that you have to be 21 to carry concealed and even if it did, the entire US would have been considered unconstitutional until 1987.

Zilmo, when I say is it fair, I clearly mean law abiding citizens, not the retarded crack addict teens that stop people like me from being able to obtain a CCW...these people clearly won't folllow the law and people like me who chose to follow the law are left to be unarmed and defenseless against people like this. I value my firearms and my right as a citizen to own them, which is why I will not carry until I am allowed to, but this isn't stopping people my age who don't care from going to a crack addict around the corner and getting a gun and mugging a law abiding citizen my age that won't be able to defend themself because they've chosen to obey the law.
Please answer the question and don't give me crap about as you get older you'll realize fair is an unrealistic notion...thank you I know that knowing if it's fair or not isn't going to help my situation but i want to know the general opinion of this forum. So please either answer the question or just don't say anything at all
Quit whining, and stop being an ass. It doesn't make one damn bit of difference whether I, you, nor anyone else thinks it's "fair". It is what it is. Grow up.
Do you think that its fair that as an 18 year old I'm not allowed to carry a concealed weapon or purchase a handgun even though I'm allowed to fight in the army and carry one on a regular basis?

One has nothing to do with the other.

Please answer the question and don't give me crap

An illustration of teenage male poor impulse control that mandates that society make the value judgements it makes:p

I would go so far as to argue that teenagers should have their licenses restricted to daytime use or work until they are 21.

WildthebrainsarentwiredrightAlaska TM
It's sometimes fun to see someone make a public ass out of themselves.

I believe if you can't be the least bit civil when asking other peoples opinions on the internet then, yes, in your case it is fair. There are about 10 million things I would rather have happen than arming a bunch of short tempered children with pistols.

My answer is in bold to save you the trouble of reading anything but a direct answer.
Heres the thing gunner. Your asking a bunch of old fogeys with nothing better to do than sit on the internet all day. They have to be so heavily moderated because old folks get grumpy and offended easily. There is alot of useful information in places like this but you have to pick through alot of BS too.

Honest answer: I have always thought if you are old enough to make the decison to die for your country you are old enough to do any age restricted thing your country allows. But in all honesty I don't feel comfortable with a bunch of graduates carrying concealed either. Though I don't think they are any more hot tempered than older people and a whole, they tend to get themselves in many more situations where pride and humiliation play a major role, fighting is more prevalent, and intoxicating substances combine with crowds. So the chance of something bad happening is alot higher than it is with people who are at a less tense and exciteable age. It does not feel or sound right, but logically I do think gun violence would increase with 18 year olds concealling.

Just my .02 cents
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