"Factory Thorough Repair" No4 MK1

For some strange reason, I can't get your link to work, my poor old computer goes through all the motions and loads the page, but no images.
FTR is basically an arsenal rework, where they periodically took a bunch of rifles, stripped them down to pieces and parts, checked everything out, and rebuilt them, replacing whatever parts were needed. So, in that light, it is good, your rifle was completely inspected and any needed repairs/maintainance was done. Provided your rifle was not used much after the FTR it should be in good mechanical shape, but if you plan on shooting it, have a smith check the headspace. Rifles were FTR'ed as needed during the war, and a lot of the rest were done shortly after the war ended and put into storage.
But, they usually didn't take too much care to match up all the numbered parts and put them back on the same rifle, so if you are really a freak about having everything matching and "right", too bad, your rifle is not "original". It is a basic service grade used rifle that would have been ready to be reissued, and fight another war if the need had arisen.